View Full Version : totally new and dumb

03-08-2006, 15:13
:confused: We are totally new at this diesel thing.My son's friend owned this 6.5 turbo diesel.Well he ran it out of fuel.When he put fuel back in,it hasn't done anything but give him problems.So he is ready to chuck it and my husband is talked into buying it.They think he can fix anythiing.Anyway now it is our problem and need to know what happened when he ran it out of fuel to make it not run right.Now it is blowing blue/white smoke and missing.Somebody please help before one of them takes a hammer to it!:rolleyes:

03-08-2006, 16:43
Most likely just have to bleed the fuel filter and possibly the injector lines. When it was run out of fuel it probably got air in the lines. Pretty simple fix.

03-08-2006, 20:24
It may have sucked some water or trash from the bottom of the tank.I would replace the fuel filter and clean out filter housing.If you can get it running crack each inj. line and see if you can bleed any air out.You may end up having to remove fuel tank and clean it out real good

03-09-2006, 07:39
Good Day!

You might want to click on "Quick Links", then "Edit Signature", & let us know what year, etc. truck you are talking about. It's handy, because you don't have to remember to do it, it shows up at the bottom of all your posts automatically. :) There's also more troubleshooting help we could give after we have this information.

You also might want to explore the "Search" feature - this & lots of other common maladies have been gone over repeatedly over the years - take advantage & mine what's there.
