View Full Version : output for oil pressure?

03-05-2006, 13:15
is there another place to hook up an oil pressure line for a mechanical gauge? i thought there was a plug down by the oil filter but not sure. this is on a 6.2, and i'm new to the diesels, so not sure what to do. i want to leave the factory gauge hooked up to compare readings. thanks for any input.

03-05-2006, 13:37
Welcome to the Forums!

There is a port near the filter adapter, but....

If you need to compare gauges, you really should use the same source for both. Best option is to install a tee at your OEM sender port, and sample pressure for both gauges there. A trip to your hardware store will get you all the plumbming you'll need. If clearance is an issue, use an elbow.

03-05-2006, 13:59
the port for the factory unit is on the back of the drivers side head right? i just got this truck, the body is in very very good condition. then engine has a knock to it, but think it's not lower end. notice a little more exhaust on the passenger side than the drivers. not sure what that means yet. the truck has been sittin for a long time, and i put new batteries in it, it fired up on the first try. it runs good and was well maintained by the origial owner. i'm trying to run down all the possibilities before an engine swap. i have another engine, military with only 36k miles. but would like to hold on to it till the other one dies. like i said, i don't have much experience with diesels, but alot of mechanical experience though. thanks again, think i'm gonna like this forum.

03-05-2006, 19:57
This is a Diesel engine we're talking about. The knock is more likely fuel based (injector knock), and if you are smoking on one side and not the other, you probably have a sticky, or worn out injector, or some issue along those lines.

Lower end noises in a Diesel is usually the last thing you hear, before you hear nothing.

03-05-2006, 20:14
i have tons of experience with gassers. only had one other diesel. it was a mazda and i never did anything to it. just drove the piss out of it and it was still running when i sold it, went to another person then another who wrecked it. it was still running when the cops got there, matter of fact, they had to smother it cause it wouldn't turn off. but anyway, i'm gonna try to get started on tracing down the problem. i know the guy who had it, and they took care of it. gonna try the injector trick and see if i can learn anything that way. i'm sure i will be on here a bunch, buggin the hell outta people with questions.