View Full Version : Puradyn Bypass Oil Filtration

02-22-2006, 05:14
My father found this article someplace, not sure where, I then checked out their web site. It doesn't appear they have anything for the little guy but its interesting reading..... this is only a small piece of the article I was given.....

The puraDYN system technology delivers continuous clean oil to internal combustion engines, automatic transmissions, and hydraulic systems. By maintaining

02-22-2006, 05:16
Here's the opening paragraph of the article from Designfax OEM eNews.....

No more oil changes?

Miami-Dade garbage fleet goes three years without an oil change. Advanced-filtration system manufacturer contends,

Mark Rinker
02-27-2006, 15:44
It would be interesting to know what the true cost of "patented additive package incorporated in the replacement element" is, when compared to simply replacing the oil and using a low cost filter.

03-04-2006, 21:49
Check out the fs2500 filter.