View Full Version : what did i do wrong?

07-01-2005, 09:10
I posted about my 6.5 stalling and the only reply was to "look here" which referred to a thread about all the things i have already done. And the topic/thread was locked???
I am very well aware of the usual suspects of stalling, as far as i can see have addressed ALL of them. Remote mount PMD, New IP, 3rd new lift pump wired direct to ignition with pre pump filter, dropped tank & removed algae, bled fuel filter 6 times...No codes...
sending me to a thread which discusses all those things & locking the topic did not help, Thanks

07-01-2005, 09:57
Don't take it personally. This topic is tough once you cover the "known areas".

Grounds OK? Electrical? I didn't see that listed in your checks and they are real ghosts sometimes.

Try and note what is common at every stall ie lights on, foot on brake, accelerating etc.

07-01-2005, 10:12
What do you mean by locked?

07-01-2005, 12:04
when you look at my thread titled : stalling not PMD IP or lift pump what else?
it cannot be relpied to, it has been locked. It's as if the Mod decided i had not read or searched for any of the obvious reasons for stalling and locked the topic.
I am assuming he posted the link to a thread which talks about all the usual problems causing this symptom.
But i was trying to go deeper than that, seeing how to trouble shoot air getting into the IP, if that may be what is causing my problems.

07-01-2005, 13:45
I would suggest a fuel pressure gage on the dash,

Makes trouble shooting much simpler.
1. can see pressure when it stalls.
Low pressure-, LP, filters, supply lines.
High Pressure spike, fuel solenoid or pcm shutting off fuel.

2. When shutting down, fuel pressure should increase and be trapped at this pessure, if not, air leak/fuel leak

3. When starting , pressure should come up to normal than drop to 4-6 psi at idle -

4. when driving, fuel presure should drop with power , but remain positive and steady.

Plus, I like gages...

GMC Hauler
07-01-2005, 18:51
I second the fuel pressure gage. It has helped me twice. Don't get a Westach fuel pressure gage.... Sending unit went bad twice, and US Diesel has seen several do this. I finally went mechanical.

rjwest, drop me an email if you would please... I have a question for you


[ 07-01-2005, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: GMC Hauler ]

07-01-2005, 18:55
OK, I confess, I'm the one who locked it. Please don't take it peersonally. My intent is to keep all the stalling info in one thread. Obviously, that did not work. In the past there have been dozens of threads, all essentially the same, covering the subject, each one dropping into obscurity a few weeks later.

Also, don't take this personally, either, but I'll bet that one of the things listed in the turbo tips referred to in that thread still is the cause of your stalling. It's pretty comprehensive.

If I understand correctly, you have installed an electronic engine in a 1980 Scout. My bet is there is an electrical issue, either loosing power or poor ground somewhere. It's hard enough to keep the connections working in a truck designed to accomodate that system, much less one that wasn't.

Also, to maximize confusion, I've reopened the original thread. (http://forum.thedieselpage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=008892)

07-02-2005, 03:09
You might consider monitoring the voltage on output of your 'ignition' switch. And this is a brand new , quality ignition switch, right?

07-02-2005, 05:34
update...i am finding air in my filter when i bleed it, so i am thinking there is a leak in the fuel line between the tank and the lift pump. the tanks is new so i am not going to look for a crack in the pickup just yet. I will put an inline fuel pressure guage in and replace the fuel line with one piece, there are 3 or 4 now. I will update the results later

07-03-2005, 02:31
Johnc, is there a way to ( other than search )
to have all the links , say on stalling, to come

maybe a field with a selection of problem that
is entered " stalling " example.

Than all threads with stalling can be retrieved.

Please, not trying to create extra work, just wondered if something like that was available.
or maybe a place like " smiliey faces '
where a selection for the first word in subject would indicate problem..

( when I had to work for a living, Failure analysis,
we clasified 'fail types, could pull up all
the incidents and review very quickly

07-03-2005, 02:33
GMC HAULER you have mail..