View Full Version : Worth repairing?

02-15-2006, 12:12
I have a 96 6.5 crew cab dually with 166k miles on it and apparantly a busted head gasket. Don't know how long the problem has existed, but it could be for several hundred miles. It drives and pulls fine, but heats up to 230 and water overflows the radiator full up container within the first half hour of driving. My mechanic friend used a liquid block tester kit on it and it shows him that it is busted, but it never turned the blue fluid yellow?? Just made tons of bubbles.
I had already tried replacing the cap and the t-stat and bleeding out the air in the line, but no changes.

I am ready to sell anyway as I am getting out of the RV interest.

He said it would be about 800 for replacing the gaskets, but he won't know if I have cracked heads til he inspects the innards. I don't know if I am better off selling it with the caveat that the head gasket is busted but no other problems, or if I should fix it first, and chance upon other expenses.

KBB rates it at 7190. If I asked 5000 even, would it likely sell, or would it be too risky.

My friend knows my skills with vehicles, and doubts I can complete the job. While I have time due to my recent layoff, engines can easily frustrate me and I just don't feel up to doing it myself.

So, sell as is for a 2-3k hit, or fix it and hope nothing else is wrong. Hoodwinking an unsuspecting soul is not something my conscience can accept.


Kent in Wylie

02-15-2006, 14:20
I'd say be up front about the issue and sell it that way if you aren't particularly inclined to do the work yourself.

02-15-2006, 14:24
Sounds like Head Gaskets, 800 is reasonable for a head gasket job.

If cracks are found, don't worry too much, cracks will most likely be found between some of the valves. These cracks end up being cosmetic most of the time. On the other hand, cracks that start underneath an exhaust valve and extend across (or start to extend) the surface of the head, then they're no good.