View Full Version : Brake drum stuck

02-11-2006, 10:47
It was long past due to check / adjust the back brakes. On the first side, the adjustment wheel was frozen solid. I removed the drum and shoes, and using plenty of PB-Blaster and a torch I freed it up. After getting it to spin freely, I greased it and reinstalled everything. Adjusted it and ready to go. The second drum is a different story. I cannot get the drum off. The shoes are catching on the lip at the edge of the drum. The drum moves freely on the hub, so it is not that, it is the lip. I have attempted to back the adjustment wheel off, but it is frozen as well, it won't go in either direction.

Does anyone have any ideas about the best way to pull the drum when something like this happens?

02-11-2006, 11:31
PUll the axle out, remove the bearing nut and the whole assembly will slide right off. Then you can clean everything up and you'll be able to remove the drum without pulling the axle next time.

02-11-2006, 13:13
I pulled the axle and retaining nut, but the drum lip / shoe interferance is still a problem. The shoes are attached to the brake backing plate which attaches to the axle housing. Those bolts are accessible only with the drum off. The drum, and now drum and hub move in and out approx 1/2 inch, more if I pry agains the tension of the shoe retention springs. Somehow I need to compress the shoes enough to clear the lip on the drum

02-11-2006, 14:38
Not to be a pia, but you've completely slacked off on the parking brake cable, right?

It might be worth attempting to shear those little pins that center the shoes with the little coil springs (maybe access via a drill to the pins' flange/head on inner side backing plate??

Sorry, good luck.

02-11-2006, 14:50
I ended up prying until the spring hats popped. I then was able to use a big screw driver to get everything apart. I was able to spin the drum by hand, so the parking brake was not engaged, but it seems that there might be something wrong there. The spring over the cable running to the parking brake arm attached to the shoe has alot of compression on it. The parking brake has not worked since I got the truck, and the adjustment mech. is frozen. Once I get the brakes back together, I will work on freeing up that.