View Full Version : What shape Obstruction Wrench for the IP?

03-23-2005, 10:04
Hate to say it, but since I'm ordering something from JCWhitney (spending a gift certificate) , I was thinkig of gettng some cheap "obstruction" wrenches, in case I needed them. They have a couple of kinds - One is a "U" shape, and the other is an "S" shape.

Which would be the better profile to access the IP bolts, and other misc nuts in and around the truck? Thanks!

03-23-2005, 10:14
I have the "s" wrench and it was helpful, but I think both are really needed.

03-23-2005, 10:28
I've always used a regular combination wrench. Open on one end, box on the other, with a 15

03-25-2005, 15:22
If you are specifically looking for tools to help, I don't of any. When I changed out the DB2 in my 93 all I used was a crows foot, some different length extensions and a wobble. That was the only way I could get at those fittings where you can't get a wrench in. I couldn't think of any other way to make the job easier other than having someone else do it.