View Full Version : Whipped 1 1/2 Dodges

08-01-2004, 18:56
Comin out of KC headed north, had a trailer on full of equipment, not too heavy i aquired a NEW 2003 or 2004 dodge in my mirror (cummins). In the hammmer lane at 5:30 pm traffic is movin, 80 to 85, note the Dodge was empty. Got north of the city 20 to 30 mi and the hammer lane opened up, so did i, had a mirror full of him till that point. Somwhere in the mid 3k range on the tach, speedo long gone, turbo guage burried at 20 + i was walking off. (sick of thse guys in their Dodges comin after me) seems if you have a dually chev they all want to show you up. Well about 10 mi down the road i had to slow up and when i tried to bring it back on the water temp had reached the point of 210 and the fan clutch came in and i couldent pull quite the same. He went by me up against the govenor. It was a really hot day, 98 and really humid. If i was empty it would have been no contest. The second guy about 2 days later, early in the morning, i was running late not in a good mood, same trailer and load of equipment. I have a pretty good pull getting on the interstate and up the hill, when i merged on i could see him a comin. You just know when you have been spotted. I thought to my self, self just let it go. No, this one had a little load on it, no way as much as me but this dodge was a little older one, bout a 98 or 99. When he got up to about 90 he started to get the feeling like he was in the way, so i thought i would play the mind game, the game (a mirror full of a 94 GM 6.5) 10 mi down the road we came to a good pull, it is there that i would quit playing games and take em if it wasnt clogged up. It worked out and the look of disbeleive was on his face when i went buy. Im not a guy with a big attitude, and i let a lot of things roll off my back, but there is somthing about those people in those dodges and their attitudes that can p*** me off. Hope you enjoyed the story.

08-01-2004, 19:53
I know the feeling. When in mama's Blazer it is those stinking Durangos with a hemi picking on a lowly little v6! And then thers those D$*n Excursions!!!!!!!!

Marty Lau
08-02-2004, 09:43
I like the story Kent I have blown buy a few Dodges in the last couple of years and I get a bit of glee from it each time. Kent are you running a inter cooler?

08-02-2004, 13:03
No on the intercooler, im havent figured out witch way to go there yet.