View Full Version : Propane Injection

11-23-2004, 18:51
Man, it,s been so long since I have been on the site that I couldent remember my password. Had a h--- of a time getting back here.

I need some input on propane injection. I am running a 14280 lb motorhome and pull a 2000 lb car. I have upgraded to a Penn 6.5,3.5 open exhaust,Heath computer and Penn hi pro (big as a toilet) turbo. If you add up all the numbers, I should be a little over 300 hp. My egt,s are good and I can boost 18 lb with no problem. More is better. What can I honestly expect from the propane? I dont want an explosive incident (again) and am concerned about exhaust temp. Any Input would be apreciated. :cool: