View Full Version : update on the wounded Avant 18:1

08-12-2005, 11:09
Just got of the phone with Jamie Avant, and I thought I would share the latest with ya'all.

After evaluating the input of all the good folk on both boards, and after extensive conversation with very knowlegable man from my local Stanadyne service center, I am of the mind that this motor was most likely was seriously hurt due to the hydro-lock on #1.

We agreed that we should do one last check to be absolutley sure. I will try to get a compression tester that will work on the 6.5 this weekend, and pull a compression test on it. I had indicated to Jamie that I am pretty well tired of wrenching on this thing, and while I wouldn't mind doing a compression test, that's about as far as I am willing to go. He totally understood, and he agreed that the compression test would tell the tale.

We talked a bit about options if the engine needs to come out. I explained what would be required to satisfy me. I figured that I am probably way out of line in what I told him I wanted (at least from his point of view). I didn't really expect him to agree to my suggestion, but he said that, if the motor had to be replaced, we could work it that way.

I won't go into details yet, mainly because nothing really has happened yet, but rest assured, I will definatly keep you guys up to date on what happens with this situation. If things work as planned, I will not only be very pleased, but I will have a good tale to tell.

But anyway, as of right now. I am looking for a comression tester. I dont need anything that will last long enough to hand down to my son's kids or anything, just something that will work decent enough for this one thing.

Any suggestions?


08-12-2005, 11:20
I'm using a Matco compression tester kit that I bought off a fella on eBay.

I went to Matco's website and got the following information for ya:

Diesel Compression Tester (by itself, gauge and adapter holder)

Part#: CT15 Price: $58.10

GM Compression Tester Adapter 6.2/6.5

Part#: CT152 Price: $15.70

OR, get the.....

Diesel Compression tester Kit (has most adapters incl. 6.2/6.5)

Part#: CT155 Price: $159.75

Just find yourself a vender for Matco tools, probably a good search on the net will get you a reputable vender. I don't know if you can order tools directly from them or online, but I bet you can.

Marty Lau
08-12-2005, 11:20
maybe you could rent one?

Turbine Doc
08-12-2005, 11:24
Auto Zone has loan a tool program though I don't know if they have compression tester that goes high enough for a Diesel

08-12-2005, 12:03

Sorry to hear about your engine. Just bad luck! I understand how you feel. I was getting tired of wrenching toward the end, and hope I have no major work to do on my truck for the next five years. Wishful thinking!

I bought my compression tester at the local auto parts store for something like $80 - $90. Worst investment I made, it then cost me new engine!

Good luck and I hope for the best in your situation. It sounds like you will be taken care of fairly.

08-12-2005, 12:24
Originally posted by HH:
I bought my compression tester at the local auto parts store for something like $80 - $90. Worst investment I made, it then cost me new engine!
How true, same here (one way or another)!

Turbo Al
08-12-2005, 20:30
When I checked mine I rented the compression tester from a local rental company BUT I had to phone three places before I found one that could be used on a diesel and it did have all the needed adaptors.

Best of luck

08-13-2005, 04:49
You have a great attitude in an unfortunate situation.

My prediction: You'll prevail, have a great engine, and have a friend in Jamie in the end.

08-13-2005, 18:14
I have a 23 yr-old KD comp tester (from JC Whitney). It has a glow-plug adapter for GMs, and a Bosch injector adapter for VWs. My impression was that one could use either adapter for our 6.5Ls ... but i haven't tried either!

08-14-2005, 19:09
Man if it wern't for bad luck you'd have no luck at all. Good luck man it's your turn

08-15-2005, 06:17
You're welcome to borrow mine for the cost of shipping both ways - about $12 total..... Will take 2 days to get there once it's shipped.

It's just a cheaper one - don't remember the brand - about $50 4-5 years ago.... But it seemed to be accurate for me.....

If you're interested, let me know......


[ 08-16-2005, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: slagona ]

08-18-2005, 05:47
Any news, Tim?


08-19-2005, 03:42
Not yet. I had to go attend a training seminar this week. It kinda got sprung on me at the last minute, so I didnt get to try anything yet.

I got back last night. I have borrowed a compression tester. it only goes up to 300 psi. I figure that if it burys the gauge on 3 holes, and dont on the #1, thats all the proof I need.


08-19-2005, 07:32
That or it will damage the gauge. Gauges only allow so much overage befre they get sprung...

08-22-2005, 04:01
Roger that, JK.

After thinking about your post, I decided not to risk ruining a borrowed gauge. I think I know someone with a true diesel gauge I can borrow.
