View Full Version : Final resolution..cracked block issues

Dvldog 8793
11-21-2004, 05:24
About 6 months ago my 1999 3500 6.5 started sucking up antifreeze at the rate of about 1gal per 100miles. Due mostly to info from this board I determined that it was most likely a craked block and even if it wasn't the engine should come out to properly fix whatever it was. Removeing the engine was much easier than I thought, again with direct help from this board and it's members. As I was pulling the pan, my 6yr old girl was the first to say "I see the crack!!!" Needless to say in my mind it was HUGE. When I started looking for long blocks I found the cheapest GM block at a dealer about 200 miles away, so off went the check and home came the block. All total w/ tax ws about $6200. When I was ordering all the "misc parts" at my LOCAL dealer he asked if I had tried warrenty for the old motor. The truck was about 40,000 miles out of warrenty but what the heck I called GM and started a file. They told me that I had to get the problem "verified" at a dealership. Well my engine was in pieces all over my shop, so I took the bare block to my dealer in the trunk of my car. the service guy didn't even touch it, he looked and said "Yep it's cracked" and home I went. 5 days later a call from GM customer service told me that the General was willing to stand behind the block with 30% of the cost of the engine. I was amazed! As it turns out the dealership had recommended they pay for 100% of the parts.
I have waited until I got the check to write this post as I was still unsure that they would pay-up. Got it on Friday.
I had done all the work.I am a "shade-tree" at BEST.
I bought the parts from a different dealer.
They "Verified" an unknown block.
They stood behind me 110%
This is the 3rd time this dealer has done this for me, 1st-turbo, 2cnd-IP. both out of warrenty and replaced for free.
I have never bought a vehicle from this dealer.
I'm wrtting this long-winded story just because I think when someone does it right people should know. I took some of that check and got the service dept pizza for lunch(they can't drink beer at work :D ) Not all dealer experiences are bad. GM customer service still swears that the reason they gave me anything was because this is such a RARE problem, "those blocks never break!" tongue.gif So between selling off some of the old parts (bottom end still available) and the check from GM I have a new AM GENERAL long block with 3yr/50k warrenty for about $2500. Plus my labor but it was a good learning experience and I got to replace/upgrade many things in the process.
If I can help anyone out in this area let me know.
Conley Janssen

[ 01-23-2005, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: Dvldog 8793 ]

11-21-2004, 05:37
That's real good to hear that sometimes the problems solve out in a real nice way...

I wonder when in Europe we could have the same service on US cars....??
Looks like never at the moment. :( smile.gif

11-21-2004, 05:47
Dvldog 8793,
Great story! I'm glad to hear everything worked out like it did. There are good dealers out there and we don't hear enough about them.

11-21-2004, 06:28
My 1994 cracked and failed at 123K. I opted to buy a used motor for about 3K, but wonder if it would have been a better idea to drop in a GM replacement and look for a similar discount.

At the time, it was a matter of total dollars invested that made the decision. Only time will tell if it was a good one.

11-21-2004, 06:30
wish i lived in your neck of the woods,my dealer still won't admit that there is a recall on the wiper motors!!!!

11-21-2004, 13:26
Congradulations on finding decent dealers.
You should post their names & addresses for all.Anyone ever in that neck of the woods should make it a point of dealing with them !
By me they claim any mods whatsoever voids any warranty, period. They freaked on a remote mounted FSD.
ps: did you take the wolf with you ?
Maybe you should consider renting him out !

11-21-2004, 16:11
Originally posted by catmandoo:
wish i lived in your neck of the woods,my dealer still won't admit that there is a recall on the wiper motors!!!! It took me less than 5 minutes to resolder the bad connections on my wiper motor. Don't even have to remove it!

11-21-2004, 16:28
thats what i did ,and they haven't quit yet,my 94 sub also needs the treatment but its parked for the winter so it's on the spring to do list,its not the idea that i could fix it myself it was that the dealer totally denied that there was a recall.i guess i must not spend enough money there!!

Dvldog 8793
11-21-2004, 16:57
The dealer is Swanson motors in Grand Rapids Minnesota. My engine had lots of mods, some that they did!(timing, phaser gears) When they replaced my pump under warrenty(127,000 miles) THEY removed the PMD from the pump and installed it on my cooler and then let me keep my old PMD saying that it might be a good spare. They also thought my Kennedy boost control was cool idea!
I didn't take the wolf(kidsnamed him Diesel so he wouldn't be afraid of the truck) but I thought about it. tongue.gif
I dont spend much money at the place, I think i bought some brake parts and a belt or two.
Conley Janssen

Dvldog 8793
01-23-2005, 14:30
I'm just getting this back to the top as there seems to be a sudden rash of cracked block posts.
Conley Janssen

01-23-2005, 16:58
All these cracked blocks what me to sell my truck.

I have 145,000 miles with out any major problems.
I changed balancer at 100,000 miles.

Has anybody hit 200,000 miles with out have head or crack blocks?

01-23-2005, 18:12

How many miles were on the truck when this happened. What do you think are the chances of me getting some help?

patrick m.
01-23-2005, 18:47
arent Peninsular's engines assembled with the GEP block?

01-23-2005, 19:00
Yes, and so are Kennedy's, but they all come from Franklin Power Products as best as I can tell. I talked to Matt Koning about this as well.

Dvldog 8793
01-24-2005, 03:22
the truck had about 138,000 on it when she went.
I don't know what anyone elses chances would be as I had complete support and backing from my dealer. Who is making these other blocks that you are talking about? I talked to AMG and they told me that anything that was not thier's(Naivstar) was a reman?