View Full Version : Ticking noise

09-23-2004, 07:43
I have a 03'D/A 3500 dually and recently started experiencing a ticking noise on the passanger side front end. It has a ticking sound my chevy dealer claims is an engine ticking and reffers to the GM "Information on Engine Ticking #02-06-01-022c-(Jan 26,2004)which basically states this is a typical diesel noise and no repairs should be made. This being my second duramax and third diesel I am certain it is not a standard diesel noise. The noise is only produced when the vehicle is in motion and more noticable at lower speeds ie 30mph. Hoping to get further assistance from anyone.

09-26-2004, 20:30
Check the mounting tabs on the down pipe. Several of the '01 models had cracks, allowing it to resonate a tick.

You can easily view the tabs by pulling back the passenger side fender liner (you may need a flashlight) and looking at the mid-lower area of the downpipe. If the tabs are cracked, you can either have the dealer replace the downpipe, or weld it. Either of the fixes take care of it. Mine was cracked with less than 20K on it, and now with over 80K, it's fine welded.

Other than that, there should be nothing "ticking" on the passenger side.