View Full Version : Service Manuals & False Advertising Complaint

08-11-2002, 16:50
I've waited long enough for GM to supply Helm with the paper Service Manual for my 2002 Sierra 2500HD purchased in February. GMC's web site specifically advertised that it has Service Manuals available for all models. Well, I'm concerned that it is deliberately not making them available for anticompetitive purposes. Offering a $300 CD doesn't equate to making the manual "available." So, I'm making a complaint with the state attorney general's office for false advertising. Some have suggested that GM doesn't want to publish certain repair information to force consumers to always use their dealers. Do any of you want to join with me in making a complaint to the state attorney general? Can you make similar complaints to the attorney general in your state?

More Power
08-12-2002, 09:16
Is a lawsuit or other court action always the first option?


08-12-2002, 09:40
How about a class action with many 2002 owners who relied on GM and Helm representations of a available manual when they bought their 40K to 45K trucks after being told or reading they could order the manuals. My dealer told me I could get the manual there and I also have been trying since 10/01. Helms answer at first was "30 days more - we'll send you a card". Finally, in May of this year, it was "when the manufacturer sends them to us - we'll send you a card". Go to your friendly dealer and the answer is "Order a 2003, you'll get a 2003 which is different and available". Yea, and Elvis is alive and well and living in a rest home on Mars.

08-12-2002, 19:18
So is Helm lying about the proposed availability or is there some sort of publishing issue?

It would be good customer relations on Helm's part if they would simply fess up and politely explain instead beating around the bush.

I have 2001 manuals and had no trouble hetting them back then. Matter of fact I have manuals from Helm for the '89, '93, '97 and now 01 and never had a problem with Helm. Wonder what's up?

08-13-2002, 18:37
To More Power: A lawsuit or other court action should almost never be the first action. What you need to understand is that I'm talking about neither. I've gotten the runaround, like a lot of others, from GM & Helm for over six (6) months now. I've telephoned and I've written repeatedly to both without result. A complaint to the state attorney general's office oftentimes resolves problems without costly litigation.
When GMC told me earlier this week that they couldn't help me get a service manual and it appeared that we had reached a dead end, I told them that I would be making a complaint to the attorney general. Interestingly, today I received another note from GMC saying that they would now be ordering a manual for me and that I could pick it up at my dealership.

[ 08-13-2002: Message edited by: NeverForget ]</p>

08-14-2002, 12:45
Please let us know if you do indeed get the manual and if you do what the ordered P/N is. I would really like to have a manual on MY truck, not the years before or after.

08-14-2002, 15:43
Neverforget - it would be mighty helpful to the rest of us if you could publish what GM phone number you used, who you spoke to, etc. I'm sure all of us would like to push the same persons button. I can understand if you want to wait until you have yours in hand. It is going to be mighty interesting if you get a manual after all of us are told by Helms that they have no manuals and GM hasn't published it yet. Sorta smells like a polecat in a outhouse.

08-19-2002, 15:11
Well, so much for emails from GM. After specifically receiving a message saying that I should talk to "Darren" at my dealership and pick up a "service manual," I arrived only to learn that the idiot had an owner's manual for me. The parts mgr. said that GM made a mistake in telling me to obtain a service manual from the dealer and that I had to go through Helm, Inc. However, while there I did lay my eyes on the five (5) volume paper set of the Service Manual. So, I can confirm that it has been printed. In light of the dealer's continued refusal to help, I intend to proceed with discussions with the State Attorney General's office. I'll keep you posted. And, if you want to see that we're not the only ones who can't get a copy of the advertised Service Manual, take a look at the post on the accessories forum where many more responded.

08-19-2002, 20:29
Several things come to mind:
1. - A 5 volume set - is this the set that garages and dealers can order? I understood the customer set was only 2 volume. How do we get in line for the 5 volume set?
2. Maybe all of us who want manuals should start hammering our dealer customer satisfaction specialists and salepersons (though usually they are next to worthless) to get manuals. With heat coming to the dealers maybe it will get passed on to GM and we can finally get manuals.
3. Enough complaints from disgruntled owners to several state attorney generals offices (D/A should be in all 50 states) would prompt a few calls to GM which might start the rusty wheel to move. Can't hurt. GM hates dissatisfied owners who bring them bad publicity - I have gotten results on a couple of occasions by going through Better Business & attorney generals.

08-20-2002, 10:42
Try this link.....OEM order site...


08-20-2002, 12:14
As of 8/20/02 HelmInc stated that the manuals are in and can be ordered.

08-20-2002, 12:16
As of 8/20/02 HelmInc stated that the manuals are in and can be ordered.