View Full Version : annoying rattle/vibration possibly TRANS??

10-03-2003, 08:17
I have a 94 sub 6.5L auto and was after I comleted my battery terminal improvement, I thought I would go after my what I thought was a heat shield rattle/vibration at idle only. I crawled under while idling and I swear It is coming from the TRANS. However the truck performs great w/ no problems. I just cant locate it!! I also can feel it in the shifter while in park. Anyone else had this problem?
Shad G.

10-03-2003, 08:31
Hello Shad and welcome! (don't worry they won't call you a Newbie for long)

You didn't mention - is it an auto trans or a manual? I'm guessing it's on your sub. and it's an auto.

G. Gearloose
10-03-2003, 09:20
seventh word in...

10-03-2003, 09:29
If you can still feel it in park, it's likely the torque convertor is breaking up inside. NetGearHead has some very helpful transmission forums that you may want to browse: Transmission Talk. (http://answers.netgearhead.net/ubbthreads.php)

10-03-2003, 10:06
Duh. Sorry guys. :rolleyes:

10-03-2003, 11:32
Well I lowered the inspection cover and did't see anything. I am assuming it is the converter or the pump (arrrgh). Makes me think back this summer 95 deg. outside while pulling the camper in the campground at 5-10 mph and starting on a hill it felt like the trans was slipping in the camground. Hasn't done it since however I have a reliable trans guy nearby to inspect further. I feel this isn't gonna be cheap! Thanks everyone I'll keep ya posted and thanks for the trans web site.
Shad G.

10-03-2003, 11:41
However maybe I,ll take a better look at the flywheel because it goes away when you touch the throttle. The inspection cover doesn't see to come out w/o dropping the exhaust. But I'll see if I can look past.

10-03-2003, 16:02
check converter bolts

10-16-2003, 12:40
Well folks I found the problem the hard way!! I just arrived upnorth this morning and went to restart the sub and crunch!...bang!....weee! From what I can see the starter bolts had worked loose far enough that they snapped inside the block when I tried to start it. Well now I am home in a rental car and my truck is 150 miles away getting fixed at the chevy dealer. If I had it home I may had tried to get the broken pieces out with an easyout but I didnt have these tools with me. oh well...

I'll let you guys know what the damage is when they call tomorrow

10-19-2003, 10:30
Make sure that the little support bracket that should be on the end of the starter and bolted to the side of the engine block is fitted.

This bracket usually cracks or someone forgets to refit it with the results that you now have, a starter dangling on the end of the cables.

Jim Twaddle
Biggar, Scotland

PS I had it happen to me twice on different trucks, Dah.

10-20-2003, 16:47
Picked up truck today and the starter bracket was missing. They replaced all bolts and front bracket and I am on the road again Thanks