View Full Version : A/C Blowing Hot

07-02-2005, 06:05
Anyone having problems with the A/C in their truck. Last Novemeber while driving my a/c started blowing hot air. I stopped and open the hood to make sure the compressor was turning. It was. I messed with all the controls inside and still nothing. Even with everything in the OFF postion it still continued to blow hot air. I shut the truck off and let it sit a minute then started her back up. She worked like a champ. It happened again the following day and then not again for another 3 months.

It now has done it twice in the last week. In Novemember it isn't too bad, but yesterday it was 101.

Seems like the computer is getting a bad signal or something.

Any ideas?

Thanks Ranger

07-02-2005, 06:06
Oh, and it did this before I put the Diablo on it.

07-02-2005, 06:38
If your shure the compressor was running(clutch turning)It can only be a couple of things.It either iced up the evaporator which usually slows down air flow,or you have a temp door problem.It can't be freon level because it wouldn't just start working.Do you have auto ac? The temp door is controlled by a stepper motor actuator and I have seen several that do not give the proper feedback of door position to the control head. This usually sets an hvac code.The actuator sits on top of the heater case and is quite a pain to change.Have your dealer check for hvac codes and softwre updates.A function check of all doors can be done with tech2.
If the compressor is not running it is likely the low pressure cut off switch on the accumulator.There is bulletin with updated switch.

07-02-2005, 06:57
I plan to un-program the diablo settings and take her in this week. I don't think it is icing up, just think the Computer is getting a glitch it in. I also had the service 4wd come on about 6 months ago. Turned the truck off and started her right back. Never has come on again.

I love this truck, but you realy do not realize how much is controled by the computer. You would think with all the Technology the MPG would increase. I guess if that happened the company I work for would't be making 100 million a month on Gas and Diesel.