View Full Version : 03 Weak AC Solution

07-18-2003, 11:51
I just got my 03 D'Max back from the dealer and now it's a meat locker!! :D :D :D
It previously did not cool on hot days over 80+, but seemed fine otherwise. Here is what the work order says they did, perhaps it will help others get to the solution:

"Perform A/C System Check per 02-01-38-007A.
Recalculate Actuators per ST Doc #904666.
Evacuate & Recharge system using 1.6# R-134 per bulletin 02-01-38-007S." I did preface my complaint with a comment regarding all the posts on this BB and they acknowledged these have issues with the A/C. It's in the high 80"s today and I freezin in her now, WOW!!! What a difference!!

07-18-2003, 14:42
I was having the same issues with my 03 and found that it was overserviced by at least a 1/2 lb. When we were reducing the charge (a friend is in the business and has the equip) it got increasingly colder untill it was putting out 45* air.
Overservicing may be as issue here as well.

07-21-2003, 16:41
Does anyone have access to the TSB referenced in the first post. The reason I ask is I just had my 03 DMax in for the same thing, armed with all the info, got the runaround a bit, then got them to see the light. However, they refilled it to 1.8 lbs per the sticker over the radiator fan, not to the 1.6 mentioned here. I wonder if the 1.6 is a typo, or if the TSB corrects a misprint on the label in the truck? Thanks, John

BTW, mine was underfilled to only 1.2 lbs.

07-21-2003, 19:57
My 03' has the same problem. going to the dealer this week. :(

[ 07-21-2003, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: DIESEL 5 ]

07-21-2003, 20:24

I don't have the TSB but the 1.6 was not a typo from my work order. It was clearly 1.6. I have seen other posts that mention the overcharge of 1.8-2.0 # and remedies as low as 1.1 #.

I am still happy cause it was in the 90's this weekend and I had to keep turning down the fan and raise the temp to keep from freezin!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

07-21-2003, 20:29
Thanks for the Info. My 03 is going in tomorrow for the AC symptoms describrd....we will see just what the cure is.

07-21-2003, 20:47
Interesting...mine was low at about 1.2 lbs, and it is definately better now at 1.8 lbs. It is not exactly meat locker material though....Today it was about 95, and I could at least keep the cab comfortable with 4 people. I wonder if it would be better at 1.6? I am hoping to get a definate on the TSB, as my service folks seem to be a bit arrogant and did not really want to hear about others experience. I don't think they have even read their own TSB, but I want to be sure before I go shootin' my big mouth! :D

07-21-2003, 21:19

If you can't locate a copy of the TSB let me know & I'll check with my dealer for a copy. They have been extremely cooperative and welcomed the comments from others with the same problem. They're initial test showed all was well by the specs but they deferred to my description of the problem and worked til it was right. smile.gif

07-21-2003, 21:28
Thanks, I really appreciate that! I will wait for a couple days to see if anyone here has a copy, and I will keep looking elsewhere on the net. My stealer first gave me the "it is within spec", after doing the thermometer test at the vent. I told them when I dropped it off about the info here, and they replied they knew about the low-cutoff switch, but noting about systems filled with too little or too much R134. I had to go down there and really get in their faces to get them to purge the system...thats when they came back and sheepishly told me it was too low. Then they decided to also replace the switch. End result is better, not I am still hoping for a little bit more. smile.gif

07-22-2003, 13:51
Final Update to those in the same situation: I called another dealer here in town and asked them if they would mind reading me the text of the TSB. They were very helpful (I think I will be using them next time...), and there are about 5 things that are supposed to be done/checked. I am recalling this from memory, so please don't ding me for incompletness/errors.

1. Replace low cycle switch
2. Check some hose that runs near the license plate bracket for secureness/abrasion
3. Recalibate actuators
4. Reprogram something(sorry)
5. Evacuate refridgerant, refill to 1.6 lbs from factory spec 1.8 lbs.

I ended up having a private discussion with the service manager about the inability of his service rep to read the TSB, even when I provided him with the number. Further prodding got him to get his best tech on it right away, and 45 minutes later I now have a meat locker on wheels!!!! :D Huge difference A/C when all of the steps are followed. Good luck to you others that are seeing the same issues.

07-22-2003, 14:34
Well I Showed the Dealer several pages from this forum about the poor performance of the AC system in our DMaxes and after reviewing the text the Tech. performed the necessary fix as described by D'Max-Max as follows:

"Perform A/C System Check per 02-01-38-007A.
Recalculate Actuators per ST Doc #904666.
Evacuate & Recharge system using 1.6# R-134 per bulletin 02-01-38-007S."

I was told by the Tech that the TSB is the number listed above 02-01-38-007A and he showed me on his computer the particulars.

I also had the high beam dash light programed to not be so bright while I was in the Dealer shop.

After leaving the Dealer, which is a 25 mile drive to my house, I noticed on my digital thermometer that I had stuck in the driver side vent, that the vent air tempters was dropping and finally settled to the bottom temp. of 48 degrees. This is with an out side air temp as indicated on the RV mirror display showing 102 degrees. So it looks like we have a fix ....for now.

And My thanks to My great Dealer, McConnell Chevrolet in Gridley Calif.

07-24-2003, 15:27
Just got back from the dealer regarding this issue. I was given the corporate line and the TSB chart dictating what the discharge temps should be at various outside temp and humidity levels. I can post the chart if anyone is interested. It basically says the system will only lower the inside temp by 15-30 degrees. It would be interesting to compare this to the same chart of the competitors. I'm heading to Vegas in two weeks and then the Grand Canyon, anybody have a dealer recomendation in those areas?

07-24-2003, 19:41
So your dealer would not perform the service per the TSB? I told mine to shove the specs where the sun don't shine, and to perform the TSB or the nastiest letter ever written would be sent to the president of GM. They did it in record time. :mad:

I would get real nasty with them, real fast!!!

07-24-2003, 20:42
They performed the service as per TSB, it just doesn't help. R134 at 1.8LBS, I asked about lowering it to 1.6lbs and they said it wouldn't help. Called the 800 number and let them know about the problem, they got the dealer on a conference call and dealer asked me to bring it back tomorrow. Stay tuned. :rolleyes:

07-25-2003, 00:29
Funny how they performed the service per the TSB, yet step 5 of the TSB states:

Some improvements have been found by lowering the A/C charge from 0.82 kg (1.8 lbs) to 0.73 kg (1.6 lbs). When recovering the A/C charge, recovery must be pulled for at least 45 minutes.


07-25-2003, 10:19
And that is what they did to mine with the 45 min. draw down and set it up just like the TSB said,....and it works just fine. 48Degrees at vent with 102 out side air.

07-25-2003, 13:59
It's been a full week with some of our hottest temps to date and mine is soooo..... cold I have to keep the fan all the way down and the temp setting up to 72 degrees or I'm frozen. :cool: :cool: :cool:

They did my evacuate for the 45 minutes too!

I called my dealer's service manager today just to thank him for not giving me sh*t about the problem, and instead just attacking it with the determination to fix it to my satisfaction. That is probably the single most important ingredient and unfortunately GM can't put it in a TSB!! No wonder we have the term "STEALER."

I guess this is why GM uses this dealer as the last resort when other dealers can't fix problems and they are going to have to give the customer their money back under the lemon law.

My hat is off to Day Chevrolet in Acworth, GA. They're the best and proving it!! :D :D :D

07-26-2003, 03:32
Dropped off this morning, picked up this afternoon. I think they just drove it around to verify the problem. :confused: No fix today. Appt set up for Tues. to evacuate/purge the system and set up at 1.2 and then gradually increase by .2 until cold. They said they have been in contact with the factory and expect to make some other changes as per the factory on Tues. as well. At least they are making an effort rather than the old "it meets spec so we didn't do anything" line. Stay tuned.

07-26-2003, 10:40
Ask them if they've inspected and/or replaced the orifice tube.
I finally got mine fixed, yesterday, by going to a different dealer. Did the evacuate per the aforementioned bulletin (pulled nearly 2.3lbs of refrigerant from the system), and as the system went to vacuum (all refrigerant removed, and AC system goes from pressurized to a vacuum), the tech said he heard a popping or clicking sound coming from the orifice tube, and he didn't like what he heard. Changed the tube, and refilled the system to 1.6lbs. Checked the vent temps with ALL vents open (instructions say to close all but the left center vent, which is cheating), and sitting out in bright sunlight (ambient temp. in the low '80s). Vent temp at idle was 48 degrees. Driving down the road it is now 43-48 degrees on a mid-80 degree day! Finally fixed! :cool:

Apparently, the TSB for the '03's also works on previous model years!

07-28-2003, 23:30
Hey this is some great info, at what vent are you guys putting the temp probe in?

07-29-2003, 07:15
Left center vent.

07-29-2003, 15:43
TSB for you gents ...

=>Service Bulletin

Bulletin No.: 02-01-38-007

Date: December 2002



Subject: Poor A/C Performance – A/C Will Not Blow Cold Enough

(Perform A/C System Checks)

Models: 2003 Chevrolet Silverado

2003 GMC Sierra

with 6.6L Diesel Engine (VIN 1 – RPO LB7)

Condition: Some customers may comment on less than desirable A/C performance, especially when ambient temperature is above 90

07-29-2003, 17:25
[quote]Originally posted by mackin:
[b] TSB for you gents ...

Condition: Some customers may comment on less than desirable A/C performance, especially when ambient temperature is above 90

07-29-2003, 19:51
Just got back from the dealer. It is approximately 88-90 degrees and raining right now. The A/C feels pretty cold. The dealer replaced the orifice tube with #52477004 and recharged the system to 1.4lbs. It feels really good but I really need some of the 100 deg weather we just had a few days ago to be sure. Stay tuned. :D