View Full Version : Noise from drivers side rear wheel area

06-02-2005, 10:14
For the past month or so, been hearing a low grade screech from the rear of the truck. Only seemed to notice when I had weight in the bed (~2,000 lbs or more). Last Saturday, had part of a pallet of shingles and really made a lot of noise. Strange part is that noise stops if you let off the throttle. Took a friend along to listen on Sunday at it was noise free. Had even more weight than on Saturday. The wife drove the truck for 100 miles on Monday with no problem. But after work last night, I had a pallet of feed in the truck and the noise started before I was out of the parking lot. Only hear it part of the time. Don't know how to tell if it is a brake issue or a wheel bearing. Have 65K on the orginal brakes and the rear pads are 1/4" away from the squealers. Any guidance would help.

06-02-2005, 16:09
put the rear end up on jack stands and listen to it w/ a stetiscope(???????)Pinion bearing maybe ??? How bout the insulators in the spring pack????

JD Diesel
06-02-2005, 19:35
never have seen a purple sheep before ? you have pic's? :eek:

06-07-2005, 07:57
Madmatt - Have not found a "listening" device yet, still a couple of folks to ask. The reason I think is more associated with the wheel is that rim is much warmer than the other ones, every time I have checked. Even when I have not heard the noise.

No sheep pictures to share.

06-07-2005, 18:37
how about this....Condition
Some customers may comment on a scraping noise from the rear of the vehicle while driving. The noise may be intermittent.

Condition may due to the parking brake shoe contacting the drum in hat rotor without the parking brake being applied, causing premature wear on the shoe lining.....

Sound like your concern??????? if so you may want to look up bulletin #02-05-26-002A which states to replace the p-brake shoe and install the updated retaining clip.

the part numbers you'll need is 88982875 for the new shoe, and 88982879 for the updated clip kit.

06-08-2005, 07:40
Sounds like to sound that I do hear. Thanks for the parts numbers. Should I do this for both sides? Now to find the down time...

06-08-2005, 10:55
I'd do the clips on both sides for sure while I had it down.