View Full Version : allison 6 speeds new for 2006??????

05-31-2005, 16:47
Any one know what the gear ratios will be for the updated allison in 2006? I am holding off on replacing my current truck thinking it will have a deeper overdrive , in turn getting better fuel economy running without a load! I understand the current model cant use full power in 5th gear with power adders and the chances are good that the new 6 speed will hold even less power in double OD but 90% of my travel is me and 800 lbs or cargo! the other 10% is hauling trailers in the mountains. :D

06-01-2005, 17:02
I've read that 1st through 5th gear will remain the same as the current Allison and 6th gear will be a 0.61:1 ratio.