View Full Version : What do you do?

07-24-2002, 15:51
Ok, just for fun, I'm heading out to change the oil in the truck and I got to thinking. How do you work on the underside of your truck? Lift? Pit? or Creeper?

07-24-2002, 16:59
I take a good heavy jack to lift the front up alittle to make it easier to slide under there w/jackstands of course.

07-24-2002, 17:47
Well, mine is 4x and the cross member didn't look like it would take a jack very well. So I ran mine up on a set ramps. They'll have to do until I get the garage built.... as soon as I find a big enough piece of land with a house, to boot, to keep the wife happy. :D

Chris N5CWM
07-24-2002, 20:46
I expected this to be a subject about "what do
you do" for a living, when I first read the
subject and clicked on it. Hmm..ok.

I'm lucky, I guess, being 145 Lbs, skinny tall
fella, I just put an oil catch container under
the truck and change the oil & filter while
laying on my back on an old throw rug or big
old garage towel. smile.gif Just enough room to slide
under the Yukon XL 4x4(see sig).

Under my 4x4 Dodge Ram (stock height) there is
almost enough room to sit up and work under it!
But I have to use the monster catch pan, it
holds 11 quarts of oil in the Cummins.

If I had to use a device to make it easier to
get under there, it would be with stacked 2x12s
cut to 12x28 for the bottom one, 12x22 for the
middle one and 12x14 for the top one. The wood
is soft enough that it grips great on the ground
(asphalt, concrete, dirt) and there is no worry
about the ramp collapsing or sliding out while
trying to drive up on it (hate it when they slide
while trying to drive up on 'em!).


Andy Chesek
07-25-2002, 00:50
145 lbs... geez. That was 9th grade for me, svelte for being 6'1" then. Now I'm just porking along at 6'4" 245 lbs. 10 years later.

If I'm not rotating tires or working on brakes, I can slide all over underneath my truck on a creeper without lifting it. Trucks are so much nicer than cars to work on when you need to get at something underneath. My last vehicle, a Baretta, sat so low it was hard to get any jack under it besides the hydraulic floor jack. For some reason I never used the ramps my dad had hanging on the wall in the garage... dummy me, always looking for the hard way out.

07-25-2002, 00:57
I drive mine up on a set of 7" tall ramps.

07-25-2002, 04:31
well if you didn't eat 93 burritos you might be a bit slimmer ;) tongue.gif :D Just kiddin' not to mention 245 @ 6'4" isn't quite porky at all.

I use ramps when working on my ride.

07-25-2002, 07:52
I am a 151lb 5'8 slim guy...I just lay down on a huge piece of cardboard, slide underneath with the 1 gallon recycle containers offered here by Recycle America, open up the Fumoto Valve and I am done in exactly 7 minutes. The filter is a snap and I Pre fill the new one, spin off the old one(Very little drainage I just hold it in a 1 Gallon Zip Lock Bag) and we are done. No ramps, No jacks... No danger. I honestly can change my oil and filter, add new one in less than 15 minutes without any mess...