View Full Version : I DID IT , I DID IT, I DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6600 Duramax
05-24-2002, 12:58
Alright, many of you might have figured this out already, but here I go anyway.

That damn door chime kept bugging the **** out of me when I wanted to listen to the radio with the door open or whatever, so I pondered over what the heck to do. I kept reading post on here but they where like take the black box from under dash...... , take door switches apart then..... Didn't really feel like doing either so I sat and pondered it a while. Then it hit me!!!!!!

All you have to do is open the driver door(chime , chime, chime , chime) then look where the door latches, reach in and flip the lever down. Now no chime, chime , chime anymore. Sorry if this is not clear but it worked for me and I am so happy now.

Some might have known about this, but for those who didnt, it works great.


05-24-2002, 13:39
what lever is it? Is it the door latch itself?

05-24-2002, 13:54
Just don't forget to unlatch it before you slam the door. To unlatch it just pull the door handle.

05-24-2002, 15:16
Topic moved to 2500HD/3500 HD Trucks & Drivetrain Forum.

05-24-2002, 15:27
Oh I see, it's a temporary reprieve for when you're doing something with the keys in the ignition. It might not be too good for the latch if you forget and try and shut the door.

I noticed they no longer use a plunger button so they must have moved the switch to the latching mechanism.

Thanks for the tip.

05-25-2002, 12:11
6600 Duramax,

I'll tell ya I was skeptical on doing this at first . I went out to work on my truck had the door open and, DING, DING Ding, Man it was annoying so I tried your trick, works like a charm .Thanks man, for the contribution ...
MAC smile.gif

[ 05-25-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>