View Full Version : Worked out truck in 4x4 high, now has a leak?

07-15-2003, 01:12
During a recent camping trip pulling a 9k 5'er over a long 58 mile partial dirt rough road, I put the truck in 4x4 high to smooth out the smaller bumps. When we finally got to our camp area, I noticed what appeared to be oil or fluid splashed on the inside of the front drivers side wheel well. Upon further investigation, I have a small fluid or oil leak that is finding it's way though holes in the inner wheel well plastic cover (front left side of engine, near power steering fluid resevoir) and dripping down on the upper arm ball joint area on the drivers side. Due to the very small amount oil that is present, I can't determine if it's engine oil, power steering fluid or front diff oil? I can't see any obvious leaks from the top or from the bottom? All fluid levels seem fine? I can't determine exactly where it's coming from? Is the front diff vent tube in this general area? I was thinking it might be front diff oil, since I pulled long distance in 4 wheel drive and probably heated up the front diff oil for the first time?

Any suggestions as to where this elusive small leak may orginate and /or how to determine what fluid it is?

[ 07-15-2003, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: FisHn2DMax ]

07-15-2003, 05:26
IIRC the front dif vent tube comes up and attaches to one of the plastic covers on the drivers side. I remember seeing it in that area when replacing the vent cover (black to white) and changing to synthetic diff lube. Seems like the vent tube would be the most likely candidate since you were giving the 4WD a workout when you noticed the leak. smile.gif

07-15-2003, 07:18
My power steering pucked out under the cap if I keep the wheels locked all the way. Maybe in your manuvering you did this without realizing.

07-15-2003, 07:38
Had a similar problem with my truck. I use 4-wheel drive only while pulling travel trailer on dirt road while dirt bike riding in the winter. Each time I would use 4-wheel drive I kept noticing oil on the differential skid plate. Would clean it up. The oil would reappear next time I used 4-wheel drive. Tightened up the plastic vent cover on the side of the differential that has the vent tube attached to it. Problem went away.

07-15-2003, 19:28
Could you give specific directions on how to find that cover? crawled under it and could find nothing

07-16-2003, 03:40

The cover is black (or white) plastic and is about 4in in diameter. It's on the drivers side of the front differential. See the following Feb 03 GM Techlink article for a picture of the cover.
Synthetic Front Axel Lubricant (http://service.gm.com/gmtechlink/images/issues/feb03/TLFeb03e.html#story13)

07-16-2003, 06:59
Oyazi - Jbplock's description is good. The only thing I would add is that it is on the top. Look for the vent tube. (Not sure why the designers used plastic and made it so large in diameter. Maybe there is a replaceable part behind the openning.)