View Full Version : Adjust torsion bars?

12-19-2002, 09:24
My truck leans to the left. I measured the distance from the ground to each wheel well and it is 3/4 inch lower on left front wheel well. Is it hard to adjust this or should I leave it alone? Thanks for any help. I have 11,000 miles on truck.

Hey, thanks to you all, I turned my drivers side 18mm bolt 4 turns clockwise and holy smokes, the truck is now level!!!
Thanks again and Merry Christmas.

[ 12-20-2002: Message edited by: wakely ]</p>

12-19-2002, 11:07
It is very easy to adjust. I can't remember the bolt size on the torsion bar, but there were previous posts on these several months ago. Maybe a quick search can bring them up.

12-19-2002, 11:22
Since it is still under warranty, I would have the dealer correct it.

12-19-2002, 11:27
It's really easy to adjust. Mine was the same way.
I cranked it up 3 turns on the right and had to
go nearly 6 turns on the left to level it side to
side. I measured from the frame behind the front
tires. I think that is the recommended way to do
it. Don't remember the size 3/8", 1/2" or something. Would also recommend a 1/2" drive or
even a braker bar for easier turns. My truck
rides way better now. Just seems more solid, like
a truck otabe. I also got a front end alignment.
It needed it. Good luck....

2500hd LS cc sb D/A 4x4 pewter.

12-19-2002, 22:22
Hi there wakely in Montana, leaning to the left a bit, eh? Too much beer there buddy: ;)

Just kiddin' Yep these things lean all over the place. I posted the instructions from right out of the '01 manual here. Gotta cut and paste the link.


12-20-2002, 01:23
Hey Wakely, no problem cranking the torsion bars. 15mm I believe w/ 1/2 ratchet. Be sure to jack-up the side your cranking-up so the tire is off the ground.


12-20-2002, 08:05
I think it a 18mm socket you need. My truck was higher on the drivers side. 6 turns on the right and 4 on the left.

12-20-2002, 10:04
It's 18mm. Jack up the side you want to adjust, crank the bolt a few times, then take it out for a short ride (to let it "settle"). Do this a few times and your truck will be level and even. However, if you go more then about 4 full turns on either side I'd have the front end aligned.

12-20-2002, 10:06
Your right Swayse, It is metric. I forgot. Oh how
quickly the mind goes..... :D