View Full Version : Help with 2500HD order -- Update

05-24-2002, 08:44
Here's the latest. It's a bit long...

After many hours on the phone, and double that on gmbuypower.com, I came to the conclusion that no 8100/allison combos configured the way I wanted were anywhere near me. Unless I wanted to drive hundreds, and in some instances thousands, of miles it wasn't going to happen for me. Sigh...

A few forum posters mentioned the possibility of getting a dealer to 'drop ship' one of there lot rigs to a local dealer of my choosing. Unfortunately, that meant the dealer here would have to trade vehicles both of them could mutually agree on. That seemed to mean the local guy would have to swap a duramax, and none of them were willing to do that (most of the dmax's around here are going for close to sticker, while the 6 and 8 liters are going for thousand's less then MSRP). It became apparent that if I was going to get ANY 2500HD it was going to be with the 6 liter (I can't afford the dmax, as much as I'd like to own one). Sigh...

So, back I go to gmbuypower.com to look some more. I found quite a number that had all, or at least most, of the important options I wanted. But just about ever one was pewter, a color I would prefer not to have. Continuing my search I was able to find a few in the charcoal gray (my first choice) and the dark carmine (2nd favorite). But not a single one had all the options I had originally ordered, and they all seemed to have 2 options I *definitely* did not want; roof marker lights and electronic shifting tcase. What happened to truck owners who want a floor-mounted tcase lever? Am I the only one left? And from the 'my truck is flooded' complaints I've heard about those darn roof marker lights I certainly didn't want them. Sigh...

All the while I could feel the pressure mounting, for if I didn't find something soon I surely wasn't going to find anything at all. I must have sent 12-15 "what's your best price" requests from gmbuypower to various dealers, most of which replied in a reasonable period of time with decent offers; some better then others, but the majority of them were worth considering. On guy in particular seemed to be very persistent, but not in that annoying salesman way, just looking to get something done. He sent me multiple emails regarding similar trucks he had found, along with full specs, that he could trade for. We spoke on the phone numerous times. He was trying very hard to get the deal, but he wasn't pressuring me. I liked the guy, which is not something you can say about every car salesman (no offense to those reading this who are perhaps scrupulous salesman, for I know there are some). Hmm...

Then, I found my truck; equipped the EXACT same way as the one I had ordered in the first place (okay, without the 8100 and allison, but the color and all the options were identical). And it was only about 50 miles from me! Eureka, or so I thought. I contacted the salesman who was being so helpful and asked if he could trade for it, so I could give him my business instead. He called the other delaer, no dice -- they had supposedly sold it. I was heartbroken, but something told me to call them myself. So I did, but posing as a person who knew nothing about the history of that particular truck. What I found out was they had a verbal commitment for the rig, but no money had changed hands. I inquired about having it transferred to the other dealer, but for some reason they considered that to be terribly amusing. Basically, if I wanted it I would have to buy it from them. And they wanted more money for it too! The salesman was a bit of a shlub, but I wanted that truck real bad, so I said I'd be up the next night to look at it (which would have been this past Thursday). Sigh...

Now, I know this is going to sound silly but I felt horrible for the first salesman, the one who had spent so much time trying to help, the one who wasn't going to make a dime for all his efforts. I called to tell him the bad news, but he wasn't available. I'm not the type of person who does something like that via a message, so I hung up. Over the course of the next few hours I called a couple more times, finding him unavailable each time (turns out, they were having a huge Memorial Day sales so all the salesman were busy getting everything ready for that). Then, all of the sudden I got an email from him saying he found a truck that was exactly what I wanted, except for a single option, but it was 200 miles away. If I wanted it we would have to act fast, because he wasn't sure how long it was going to be available. Oh great, I have a verbal commitment on one truck and now this; the salesman I really want to do business with, with a truck that's very close to what I want, or the salesman I don't know at all, who seems to be a dolt, but who has the exact truck I want. That missing option on the second truck turns out to be C49, which is the rear window defogger and heated mirrors. The rear defogger I could care less about, but the heated mirrors are one of my "must have" options, especially useful when you live up in the mountains of NW NJ. I had the heated mirrors on one of my other vehicles and I found them to be indispensable. Sigh...

I called my "other half" to see if she had any ideas, because I was beginning to agonize over this too much. After talking to her I decided to go with the salesman who had been so good, and to forgo the heated mirrors. Personally, I place an *extremely* high premium on loyalty and honor, and this guy deserved to be rewarded for the way he conducted himself, especially since he didn't even know I existed before this past Monday. So, last night I went up there, met him for the first time, and gave him my deposit. Barring any complications I should have my truck the Tuesday after Memorial Day! But I'm not going to believe my ordeal is over until I'm holding the keys in my sweaty palms. Now, if I can only be one of the lucky few who haven't been cursed with that d@mn piston slap...

And where was the original scumbag dealer, the one who screwed me in the first place, during this entire ordeal? Who knows! Those jerks STILL haven't called me to offer any other trucks they were supposedly trying to locate for me. Unbelievable...

One final note: I would like to personally thank all the members of this forum who were "by my side" (so to speak) during this fiasco. Quite a number of you posted very sympathetic and understanding comments during my on-line breakdown. :) There were also quite a number of others who attempted to locate comparable trucks for me, and even some who were able to do just that. I truly appreciate all that everyone has done. Thank you...

BTW; the name of the good salesman, and the dealership he works at, is:

Bob Swick
Brown-Daub Chevrolet
Route 191
Nazareth, PA 18064

If he can deliver the truck in the same manner as he has conducted himself thus far then I think I've found a very honorable person, and certainly someone I would highly recommend. If you end up buying something from him tell him Jim Wilson sent you. Grin...