View Full Version : Metal Brake Line & IC Pipe

03-13-2005, 02:25
Well, It finally happened the IC pipe rubbed a hole into the metal brake line at the r/front of my truck, but the cause was some *&(#^&%$ and their sh_tty work.

The shop that did my front airlocker, screwed up the install with my l/f driveshaft popping out while on a trip. I bring it back to them so the could repair it. They call me and say I needed a l/f wheel bearing and seal, I thought it was strange because truck had under 100k miles, anyway I had them replace both sides.

On my next trip to AZ, my l/f cv joint boot somehow allows all the grease to flow out into the wheel well. Turns out these *()^%$ scum_ags used the old boots that got damaged on the first trip. After I remember, and some of you may remember I had an accident last July and everything on the l/s front was replaced w/new parts. Think maybe I got taken for a ride?

The reason the brake line got damaged was that these guys said they had to remove the IC to fix the damaged airlocker. Their reinstalling the IC with the pipe rubbing the brake line.

I have since re-routed the brakeline away from the IC pipe, perhaps should have done it in the first place.

Hindsight, It is far better to go over all work done by someone else, even if you pay high prices thinking quality will come with it than get stuck over such a small item.

03-13-2005, 06:33
Yeah, I had a similar experience with my aftermarket oil cooler lines being installed by a reputable shop too close to the exhaust manifold, where they burned in two, causing oil to be pumped on the exhaust manifold. Well, at least I noticed it immediately, and got the truck shut down without a loss in oil pressure. I wish I could do more of this work myself.

03-15-2005, 02:57
Originally posted by James Springate:
Yeah, I had a similar experience with my aftermarket oil cooler lines being installed by a reputable shop too close to the exhaust manifold, where they burned in two, causing oil to be pumped on the exhaust manifold. Well, at least I noticed it immediately, and got the truck shut down without a loss in oil pressure. I wish I could do more of this work myself. LUCKY indeed!

03-15-2005, 03:01
I must admit it has been a long time since I had to bend lines myself, but now have the brake line re-routed away from any potential hazard.

Hind sight, always being 20/20 says I should have done this when installing the IC.