View Full Version : Transfer Flow fuel tank in 3500's

05-15-2002, 07:26
I know there are a few of you owners out there that have added the Transfer Flow larger tank that replaces the factory unit. I would like to get some feedback on a few questions before I purchase.

1) How many miles can you go on a tank? I would like to know down to say 1/8 tank. 1/2 tank does not help as the inaccuracy of the fuel gauge is misleading for assessing what a full tank will do.I know this is somewhat subjective and I could calculate my MPG and do the math, but a real world number is better IMHO.

2) How many gallons does it REALLY hold? I have heard 55-60 when filled to the brim.

3) Did you notice any sagging on driver side from the extra 160+lb of weight?

4) Have you had any problems associated with the install?

Thanks in advance.

[ 05-15-2002: Message edited by: 01_Duramax_Dually ]</p>

05-15-2002, 08:26

1) My largest fill up so far (not counting the initial fill) has been 44 gal/704 miles/16 MPG, bed fully loaded below the RnL, 2 adults and 2 children, all highway miles @ 75-85 MPH with about 150 miles 4WD. No attempt at conserving fuel....

When I filled the TFI 56 gal midship replacement tank the first time, I added a few gallons at a time until the low fuel light went off and the light went off between 10 and 12 gallons (I need to check this to be sure - operating off memory and without my notes).

2) I CAREFULLY measured at the initial fill. Dumped in 5 gal from a plastic fuel container, primed, and the truck started up and ran for a few minutes before I shut it off. I then added a total of 7 more gal ( 12 total so far) from fuel containers and drove 2-3 miles and filled up completely - 48 gal more -&gt; 60 gal total filled to the top. Stopped after each 5 gal and recorded the fuel gauge position after waiting a few minutes...took a while at the pump but it was later at night. I'd have to check my notes for the exact numbers I obtained and can post or email them to you.

56 gal went in easily without spitback/foaming, but the last 4 gal to get 60 gal was a real PITA - I haven't filled it this much after that initial fill up. TFI does not recommend filling to the top - but I had to know...

3) I haven't noticed any adverse effects from the added weight - no sagging. The truck rides smoother with a full tank though...

4) Not a single problem so far. Very pleased and would do it agin without hesitation. The fast fill fillneck option is highly recommended...

05-15-2002, 10:17
Jeff, just think all the way to Vegas non-stop!

You have to do this and the best way since you live close is to drive up to TFI for the early morning 0700 install, then you will be on your way home by 11:00 am at latest. They had a special on the install a while back when I did mine only $99 plus you get the fast fill neck installed free if you do it all at the same time.

You can do it yourself, but for $99 it's not worth the hassle of doing it yourself.

You have to make an appointment as they only install 2 a day, one early and one in the afternoon. It's in Chico about a 3.5 hour drive for you. Only surprise is they ahve to fill the tank when they are done to calibrate the guage, so you get another fuel bill at their local station prices say about $90 to fill it. Sounds like a lot, but you won't have to fill it so often in the future ha ha ha ha

I absolutely know you will love the big tank. save your old one because sooner or later we will figure out a way to mount it on the right side and be like a big rig at over 100 gallons capacity. LOL

There is only one side effect to the big tank.....

You may develop kidney and bladder issues from not stopping so often LOL ha ha ha

Go for it, hell it the day is right I might even go up with you!

05-15-2002, 14:06
Thanks Guys,
Well I am ready to upgrade. I can go all the way to Vegas without stopping when by myself, When wife and kids come it is every 10 miles...LOLOLOL

My trip to Vegas is about 8.5 hours with one NASCAR style refuel and with the girls it gets close to 10.5 to 11hrs. ALong with this extended time comes the "Dad are we almost there about 50 times" :D

I am conditioning them that Flight# "01 DMAX" is taxing out so you better freshen up and do what you need to do cuz this flight is NON STOP....

ChevyRus, I will let you know when I plan on the trip. It is coming up fast. Maybe after upcoming Race which is May 25th, 26th in Vegas...