View Full Version : She wouldn't shift into OD

06-27-2003, 17:34
Now I am getting worried I have a tranny problem. On the drive home tonight, I was running about 185 degrees transmission temperature and 55 MPH. I looked down and was doing over 2000 RPM (radio was up a bit redface.gif ). I let off the pedal and reapplied but still with no upshift. Came to a stop at the next redlight and cruised back to 55 normally, and it shifted. Anyone else seeing strange stuff like this? I am running the Predator, but that isn't supposed to do anything to the Allison and I was far from leaning on it. I am still under warranty, but ...

HELP! :confused: :eek: :(

06-27-2003, 21:02

In T/H ??? If so normal .....Wont engage OD till 58 MPH or so .....

185* is ok .....

Mac :confused:

06-28-2003, 08:48
Chuntag95, Mackin is right on. Go for another ride and make sure T/H is not engaged. That's the only thing that would affect it. If that's not the case, take it in to the dealer & use that warranty while you still can. Even if it checks out OK, it's on file you had it in for that problem. The Predator has absolutely no effect on O/D. My rpm's are about 1500 at that speed when in O/D, and the Predator set on 85. Trans. temp is OK. Mine seems to always run between 170 & 190, running empty.

06-28-2003, 20:36
I am sure the T/H wasn't on. I turned it on and back off to see if that would force the shift. To the dealer she goes.