View Full Version : What If??? (an intercooler story)

12-31-2003, 07:44
Being bored at work, I got to thinking about intercooling schemes. I do not like the placement of current I/Cs. I feel they are too lieky to be damaged. So I got to looking for I/Cs on ebay. I came across this..
Ebay Auction Page (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2451067070&category=33742)

I still need to measure things out, but it seems possible to fit this unit inside the front bumper, and let the air holes in the bumper feed cooling air to it.

Has anyone thought of this? I'd really like for someone to tell me why this won't work before I pop for the cooler.



12-31-2003, 10:29
I don't think you'll be able to fit it up under the bumper b/c of the bumper supports, frame, oil cooler lines, etc... I was also unhappy with the placement of the aftermarket intercoolers, so I made a Cummins intercooler fit in front of the radiator. You MIGHT be able to fit it in front of the A/C condenser behind the plastic grille, but I'd check first, the hood latch support might be in the way, and you'd probably have to move the power steering cooler and do some cutting to run the hoses through. Good luck!

Turbine Doc
12-31-2003, 10:32
Tim it will work, but I doubt you could find the ideal location bumper holes would not allow enough flow; could be "fun" making it fit, mine is a Spearco also, JK's kit. The dimensions on mine are a bit smaller than some on your ebay list, The core is 25" x 7" x 4.5" thick, the "tanks" at top and bottom of the core are angled with peak top and bottom at 12".

see my fit to see what you are up against


S\W Off Road
12-31-2003, 16:05
Item sells for $179. and fit 1988-1998 AIM (http://www.truckn-store.com/product.asp?returnURL=default.asp&ID=23481)