View Full Version : UUGGGHHH MAJOR tranny problems!

05-10-2002, 19:10
Serious problem here guys...and I need some help.. I'm going to try to explain this as best I can- so bear with me.

Getting on the on-ramp on the interstate, peddle down to get ahead of everyone- truck is in 3rd gear- approx 35-38 MPH gets to 40 MPH, transmission STOPS...will not upshift, and gets to 3,000 RPMS, not a DROP higher- thats it no matter how much more juice you give her, she just sounds like she's ready to blow. wont wind any higher, and will NOT shift up to 4th. just wont. John had been complaining about this for a few days- but I hadn't driven it myself, well tonight I did, and now I can MAKE the truck do this..if you take off from a stop, and go nice on the throttle- it will shift when it's suppose to, a little rough again between 3 and 4- but will do it when its suppose to...you give her the peddle, and HOLD it down, and she wont shift...just WONT go ....is there some problem with the Ali's, that you guys know of- some update, some stupid little part, something that I can tell the new dealer Monday about-- give me something please....I had just filled her up with the tank at the shop, and am going to have to run this tank out, and go put in some new fuel Monday before I go, just incase its a fuel problem...but I can't seem to figure out with almost 26,000 miles all of a sudden she's acting up.

help guys!@


05-10-2002, 19:25
That stinks .... Turbo Al should chime in and help ......... Sounds like a shift solenoid (module) gone south ............ It is not in limp no ses ...... Right? Try a search I think one or two have had this same problem ...
Good Luck,

[ 05-10-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-10-2002, 19:33
Your right is sux!!! no SES no message nothing, once I let off and allow her to shift, she runs fine, till I get back down to 1st or 2nd, and get right back on her. I tried a search- but didn't see anything that sounded the same as this..

just an FYI- we took delivery of the truck on 10-30-01, and had an update on 11-10..to correct the cruise control surge thing..that was the last "flash" we had..I hope there is something out there that will work- or better yet, like you said



05-10-2002, 19:39
MudNurI ,

So what your saying is it will shift through all gears ,and lock Torque converter .. Buy you have to let up on the go peddle to shift ?.......... Have you serviced your tranny at all , like a new filter spin on ?

Shift solenoid (I called it a module above sorry) http://forum.62-65-dieselpage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=7&t=002070&p=

[ 05-10-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-10-2002, 20:02
Sorry to here of your troubles but don't sweat it. The worst that could happen is a new tranny.

Now you may get some answers here but we can't physically fix it for ya.

Use that warranty!

05-10-2002, 21:51
If you've also lost your gear indicator square in the dash, your neutral safety back up switch has gone bad.

Mine did this and caused all sorts of shifting woes. The switch was shorted out on the back side by moisture from snow packed around the left side of the tranny.

05-10-2002, 22:35

Had a similar problem a while back. I was driving from a light and the engine just kept reving out in 3rd gear. Gave me a fright for sure. Tried backing off the gas to see if it would shift to no avail. Did this a couple of times and still no shifting out of 3rd gear. Oh no, I thought the tranny had gone south for sure. Then I decided to put her in D. I guess that stands for DUH! I hope this story at least brought a little smile to your face. Good Luck and hope you are off and running soon.

05-11-2002, 13:06
I had a problem just like that! It took the dealer all day to work it out. For my transmission here's the story. Working with the GM tech line the dealer was told to trouble shoot and OHM the wire harness in the transmission itself. In other words he needed to take down the pan and use an ohmmeter on the harness connections. Half way through the process the mechanic notice one of the connectors was not snapped into the connection all the way. He snapped the connectorinto place and put the unit back together. I've been driving my truck for 7k with out a problem (I've also hauled my 10k # fifth wheel). The symptoms I experienced where slipping and no up shift.

[ 05-11-2002: Message edited by: Maximus ]</p>

05-11-2002, 19:03

today we took the truck for a day trip, we had gone about 75 miles, with NO funky shifting. I get about 1 mile from where I'm heading, get to a light- its red...wait, it turns green, and off I go, next to me is a powerstroke, so of course...well you know the rest--- the truck got to third no problem. 40 MPH, 3,000 RPM, and ****d... only this time- my SES came on..I had read on here that some of you had the SES come on, and after shutting down the truck it had gone off...so we get to the mall - (the final destination- you know tomorrows mothers day)...go into sears...forget the sears card in the truck- this was about 20 minutes later- I start up the truck just wondering if the light had gone off. NOPE still on, sh*t I think, this is really bad... get done at the mall- about 2 hours later, head home... about 15 miles down the road is a Honda dealer- we stop to look at a Rubicon, and I shut her off- the place was closing up- so we get right back in- maybe 3 minutes- and now the lights off....Will this trip a error message for Monday when the truck goes into the shop?

Is there some thing I can ask the tech to do, to see what that SES was on for? Can they still tell since now it's off?

just an FYI- when the light first came on, for that last mile- the truck really had NO power.. I didn't think it was going to make it to the parking lot.... but after leaving it was fine?

BTW...no service to the tranny- and it was in D everytime- we never use any other gear...and the shift indicator has stayed on- I remember reading that here- and made sure to look when it first happened.

thanks guys!

05-11-2002, 19:18
It sounds like a simple electronic snafu ... I would guess its in limp home mode and there is a sensor giveing bad reading! speed sensor or neuteral safety switch. I would be surpised if the truck is in for a new unit. I have heard of a few truck that had problems with the wireing harness going to the trans(some loose at the connector, some shorting out on the frame).

05-11-2002, 22:36
The Allison tranny filter has, repeat, has to be changed the first time at 5000 miles. If not, the filter can clog up and cause all kinds of shifting problems. What you are describing is aggravating at best, but not a disaster. Get it in to the dealer and explain the problem. They can fix it or get info on how to fix it.

Everytime the SES light comes on a code is stored in memory that the Tech can read and determine by the code what went wrong.

Hoot said it best, get it in and use the warranty, best or worse case you will get a new tranny! Most likely it is a simple fix (new tranny filter) or maybe a component replacement.

Anyway in a few days it will be settled and fixed so sleep well.

Best Regards,

05-12-2002, 01:49

Type out a nice letter to the dealer. Tell them when and how the problem occured.
Most likely they will not be able to confirm the complaint at the shop. Ask them to have a mechanic drive the truck for an extended road test back and forth from the machanic's home so they can confirm the complaint.
If they do not agree to do this find another dealer.

Last month I had an intermit problem with my truck that could not be duplicated at the dealer.I authorized an extended road and told them to drive the truck(I knew if they put some miles on it that they would be able to confirm the complaint). After 4 days and about 200 miles my truck is now back on the road with no problems.

Have patience, these trucks are still new even to the dealer.



05-12-2002, 05:16

I think I am luckier than you were with your truck's problems- only because I can "duplicate this"....I'm not sure if the tech is going to be able to- you really have to get after it, and hold the throttle down- if he drives customers vehicles that way- well, we wont go there... but like I said it's suppose to go in Monday for the bearing kit, seatbelts, and hydrobooster....what they are doing is only "looking" at the truck, because this is a "new to me dealer"...they have never seen my truck..the service manager seems great..though I have only talked to him a few times.

I am glad to know that there is some sort of memory in the truck that will be able to tell them what the error code is...

You guys made my Mother's Day!
