View Full Version : The rattle and new bearing Kit --what I did

05-07-2002, 21:15
As some of you may have read, I called the service manager at Don Lorenz, and spoke with him regarding this rattle he gave me the part ##, and I told my service guy about it- total a**hole, which I already knew, REFUSED to preform this repair, stated that he would ONLY do the grease, well I know for a fact that the grease doesnt work, so I refused....

Called back Don Lorenz service guy Toby- find out that they are a GMC dealership- no help to me with my Chevy, they can not preform warranty work...he explains that my dealer can and should do this work etc.. so I call a different dealer that I was only reluctant to use because of the travel time to get to them. We have used him in the past for some problems with our 'vette.

I call the new dealer- Howe Motors, its in Claremont, NH.. and explain to the service manager, that I have this horrid rattle, his first words, have you tried the grease...yes sir I have and it did not work, I go on to explain that I got some info off this page, and contacted the dealership that preformed the work, and have the part ## etc.. he tells me "He must have called GM tech support directly and gotten that info, since their is no TSB." thats what Toby told me he did - so I already knew that.. I knew they did not release a TSB... he had no problem with this.. I gave him the number to Don Lorenz, and Toby's name and said if you have any questions, he is willing to tell you what it is etc... this guy was slick... very willing to help me out.

so I go on to tell him about my hydrobooster problem only I say " i have this nasty leak somewhere on my driver's side of the engine"...his reply- "HYDROBOOSTER" no problem we can do that to.... on to my seatbelt problem, explained to him that Miller Auto in Lebanon, NH has said the seatbelts are on "nationwide back order"...to that he replied...." If there is safety issue with the seatbelts, which it sounds like their is, I can take belts out of our stock, and replace them with these, then put the new ones in the truck on the lot when they come in..however I don't think I will have a problem getting them, I can call around and find them at another dealer...."

So I ask him, can I have Chuck work on the truck- he is the guy that did the work on the 'vette, and we liked him quite a bit...His only request was that I bring the truck in on Monday- and have Chuck "diagnose" the problems, in order to get it covered...he does not want to just order parts and have not seen my truck yet, He said the parts will be there on Wednesday- so he has already set up my followup appointment for then, so it sounds as if in 1 week, my truck will be fixed...

After dealing with a total jerk of a service manager for 6 months, I have had it... I did not want to drive the extra hour to get the truck worked on, but I also didn't want to dick around with this guy either..it pays to go to a different dealer...find one that cares- and the worst part- I bought my truck at the jerk's dealership, and this other dealership is more willing to work with me to make me happy, pretty sad in my eyes...

I am sending a letter to GM direct, and also going to send a copy to Miller Auto, once my new grill comes in, maybe if enough people went over the dealership's head and complained to the General, we wouldn't run into so many problems.

I'll post next week with exactly what they did to my truck, and how it's running..I'm smiling already tongue.gif

Brandy :D

05-08-2002, 07:12
Please do post your results Brandy...as I have the Rattles too!

2 intermediate shaft replacements...and the "lube" job. Still rattles!

Keith M.

05-08-2002, 07:50
I just got of the phone with my dealer (Colonial in Acton, Ma). He states the part number Brandy supplied (26099860) is the same part # that is installed from the factory. I don't think he is blowing smoke...as he said, he wants to find a fix "to make a bunch of people happy". He doesn't understand how replacing the part with the same part is curing the issue.

BTW...I pointed him to this page and he must have been impressed as he said he has joined!

05-08-2002, 12:17
I assume my dealer is researching the part number also. He said he was reluctant to proceed without a TSB.

05-08-2002, 17:00
It very well MAY be the same part that comes from the factory- however it may be redesigned bearings???? I am unaware of whether or not they change the part number when they change a part...remember we were all waiting for a "redesigned part"...prior to the lube being released....I'd doubt they would change the part number for the same part...though maybe someone knows for sure... I will definetly post what happens on Monday/Wednesday..and considering we put about 1500 miles on it a week, I'll know REAL quick if it worked. I knew the SAME day they did the lube that it hadn't fixed it.

I'll keep ya posted


05-09-2002, 01:52
Well... my steering shaft rattle goes on. Took to the dealer today to have the new bearing put in... six hours later, no fix. the new bearing would not fit on my steering shaft. the inner diameter of the bearing was too small. they showed me. I even checked to see if the bearing was the correct part number, it was. They even called tech assistance, and cross refrenced the part. they both said the bearing could work. I asked how someone with the same truck could have this bearing work and how on my truck it won't? they said it could be because I may have a different shaft!?? A different parts bin perhaps, or assembly plant?? Anyway back to the drawing board. They re-lubed it and found a loose bolt. they said the best thing to do is wait for a TSB. My service writer was willing to go the extra mile on this one. A somewhat disappointing day at the dealer.

Good luck to others,

05-09-2002, 13:19
Service Manager does not believe the bearing and grease fix will last. Do we not deserve to have a vehicle with tight steering for what we paid? Is the lemon law or arbitration in our future?

05-10-2002, 05:42
Sounds like you and I could have been at the same dealership- LOL...my 'original' service manager was flat out- NO WAY will the bearing kit work. well, my question is how the h*ll does he know? He is also the same guy that told me that the grease WOULD work...he was wrong about that. My theory on the service managers ---at least mine--- is that he is just a lot boy guy that was promoted when nobody else wanted the job of dealing with customer's like me.

All I know is that their is a member here that had his bearing kit installed, and according to him and his service guy- it worked. now, for why it wont fit it one truck and will fit in the next- I haven't a clue...but I sure hope it fits in mine!

Brandy tongue.gif

05-10-2002, 13:01
I hope the bearing replacement ures the rattle. Looking forward to your post next week.

8.1 HD
05-11-2002, 09:38
Took mine in on 5/10 for the new intermediate shaft and low and behold was told that the TSB has changed, and all they would do is pull the shaft out, lube it and reassemble, their reason for not replacing it was that the new shafts also have the rattle. Well no rattle yet after 100 miles, who knows?!?!?
Also went for the rear spring isolators, but imagine that, I waited 2 weeks for all the parts to come in, and called on 5/8 to verify that the dealer had all parts and was told yes, Well I waited 2 weeks for NOTHING, no shaft or isolators WTF, someone at the dealership is going to get a pink slip, owner was p!$$ed, they had my truck for the whole day and all they did was lube a shaft f-in 1/2 hour job.
Alright enough of my venting, just wanted to let you guys you are not alone!!! The quest for a GOOD service department continues!!!!! :mad:

[ 05-11-2002: Message edited by: 8.1 HD ]</p>

05-11-2002, 19:38
The problem with what they told you is that this grease crap is not a NEW fix- we have had ours done before- the first time was back in March...what they said is correct, is- its the latest TSB.... they WONT replace the shaft, because they have not redesigned the shaft, where as they say it wont fix it they are correct...however I can also tell you that the grease wont fix either- it took us about 120 miles to get the rattle back... your getting close!

I have so much crap going on with this truck right now I want to scream-- I hope they get a chance to do the bearing kit, with all the transmission problems I have right now, that they dont' even KNOW about yet. UUGGHHH

okay still love my truck...there I said it I feel better