View Full Version : dealer says he does not have to work on my truck

dave p
03-17-2003, 14:34
i took my truck to eaton rapids michigan this morning to see if i could get a noise in my heater fixed. they looked up my history and said, this truck has been in for warranty work 39 times. i guess its my fault for not buying a ford. i thought a chevrolet dealer had to work on a chevrolet wether you bought it there or not? any comments would be appreciated, thank you. dave p :confused:

03-17-2003, 15:55

After they looked up your warranty history did they say why they wouldn't work on it?

GM has to work on your truck as long as it is under warranty. If they can't find a problem that is a different issue but still needs to be pursued. Noise is a hard thing to find sometimes. Were the 39 events interelated or different? Were they generally hardware issues or things you wanted fixed like noises?

Is this the dealer you bought the truck from?

Mabye this dealer would like to initiate a lemon law give back -- ask them that. This is tough to get done and he may not care. (it also has to be operation-of-the-vehicle oriented).

Call the 800 number in the owners manual an lodge a formal complaint against the dealer. That is outrageous behavior. They generally have to fix it so it operates to specs. Noise isn't a spec issue it's a client satisfaction issue but equally important is GM wants to keep you as a customer.

dave p
03-17-2003, 17:22
this is not the dealer i bought it from. i bought it in albion and was not satisfied with there service. this issue is related to passengers side cold feet. the noise is misalgined duct work. i have had the blower motor replaced. this only makes the noise with the fan wide open and on the floor position, then only when the thermostate is turned wide open for the heat, turn the temp down and it is quiet. dealer owner was very rude. the 39 service calls were other issues except for 6 they were passenger side cold feet. D&G :confused:

03-17-2003, 18:57
I'd initiate a complaint through the process listed in your service manual. Before I did I would ask the dealer to fix the truck again and then politely inform him you will be contacting GM and lodging a complaint about his service policies and his manner in which he treats GM's customers.

I have been in customer service for 31 years and have had a few complaints lodged against me. A few were justified, you can't always be having a good day, but in most cases the customer was a butt and tried to get me screwed. Hasn't worked yet since I have established a record of quality customer service.

My point is if the guy was having a bad day you might save yourself grief by asking again. If he acts like a butt again then you have 2 cases to complain about.

[ 03-17-2003: Message edited by: FirstDiesel ]</p>

03-17-2003, 20:50
Dave, get me your vin Please, you can email me if you dont want to post it (tqauto@aol.com).
how far from Grand Rapids is Eaton Rapids?

Lone Eagle
03-17-2003, 21:03
There has been a TSB out for cold air on the passenger side since 99. I had my 99 & 02 repaired right the first time on each. A simple repair for anyone with an 8th grade education. Maybe another dealer is in order. Later! Lone Eagle ;)

dave p
03-17-2003, 21:44
the real problem with the passengers side cold feet is poor enginering, and lack of insulation. drop your glove box down and get in behind the dash and you will find out where the cold is coming from, mostly due to lack of insulation. the bulletin they put out only tells a small part of the problem. i had that done 4 times and it did not help. the insulation has helped the most. but it still is nothing like my 98 truck, which was excellent. you need to drive in a climate where its 15 below zero and goin 80 miles an hour to see how bad these heaters really are. dave p :cool:

03-18-2003, 13:19
No, the dealer can't refuse to do warranty work. That's preposterous. I'd call GM and raise h#ll.

03-19-2003, 17:56
dave p,

Here is the tsb# (from a post by mdrag). Give it to the dealer and ask him to do as it suggests since no one has every even bothered to look it up before (even this guy) it may get his attention.


Good luck,

03-22-2003, 00:26
HI DAVE, MY FRIEND & ARE YOU READY TO GO FISHING?? Send me a note so I can get hold of the right people at the plant!! E-mail me at : howard_m18@yahoo.com :D :D :D