View Full Version : Kill the Door Chime Dinger with Photo

06-14-2004, 10:23
I really got tired of the noise and wanted to
listen to the radio with the doors open.....
So I killed the dinger!

I tried to cut the suggested green wire, but
that did not work on my 2002 truck. But the following
worked fine.

After you remove the lower dash panel, pull out the black box all three
wire harnesses are plugged into. Open up the black box
(it as 4 push in tabs) and stick a ice pick into the center of
the round dinger speaker. Rotate the ice pick while the dinger
is sounding off and you'll hear as it slowly dies to silence. It will
stop it from dinging in all modes!!!!

Picture at: http://community.webshots.com/album/152656621rXWWRF

06-14-2004, 10:54
I kind of like my "dinger". :D It has many useful functions, such as reminding me when I leave my lights on. Shoot me an email. My vacation starts June 29th through July 21st. Maybe we could get together. Ivan may be through about the 29th. Terry

06-14-2004, 14:49
Hey Terry,

My computer took a recent crash and I lost your
e-mail address...... shoot me your address


[ 07-13-2004, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: 56Nomad ]

06-14-2004, 16:45
I got an e-mail asking if the ice pick trick
was a permanent fix or an adjustment. Nope it's
a ugly death of the digger. The best part is to
listen to the digging get less noisy as you stick the ice pick into it. Then dead silence!

Almost as much fun as when I shot my good for nothing PC laptop. Macintosh rules..... :D

[ 06-15-2004, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: 56Nomad ]

06-14-2004, 17:16
if you fake the door being close by fliping the latch up this stops the dinger also! But I am sure the ice pick is more fun ;)

Dinkie Diesel
06-24-2004, 18:08
I too ddidn't care for the loud noise this thing emits. I was afraid to permantly silence this little begger so I put a layer of electricians tape over it. Squelched the noise to an acceptable level!

Dan Herr
06-29-2004, 14:18
The door chime in my 2004 seems to come from the radio speakers.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of this type of chime?