View Full Version : Clunking noise when turning

04-30-2004, 08:42
When I turn I hear a clunking noise. Anybody have this problem and is so how do you fix.

04-30-2004, 09:30
I don't have an answer, but I was fixing to post a very similiar problem. Backing out of parking spot, hard left on steering wheel, getting a clunk. At first thought it was the left hub? u joint on front drive? but lately it seems more in towards center....something in the steering?

04-30-2004, 11:55
There is a TSB for the intermediate steering shaft clunk. My dealership took care of it in about an hour. No problems since repair.

04-30-2004, 21:36
My wife is having the very same problem with her 03. She took it into our mechanic and he told her the pitman arm was loose and told her to take it down to the dealership there in town right away (NOT the dealership we deal with). She took it down there and they told her the front end just needed to be greased. They greased it, but she was still having the problem. She took it to the dealership we deal with and they told her there was nothing wrong. They did tell her the nerf bar on the driver side was rubbing on something (she doesn't remember :rolleyes: what they said it was rubbing on) and that's probably what she was hearing, but she's not only hearing it, she's feeling it in the steering). I told her to drive it for a couple of days to see what happens, well it's still doing it. I know they are just giving her the run around because she's a "women". I just got back in town today and have to leave again tomorrow, so I won't have time to look at it. I will personally call the dealership Monday morning and they will take care of this for her. I had to replace the pitman arm on my 01 (may she RIP after the fire) at about 40,000 miles.

If she gets some answers, I will have her post for me.

[ 04-30-2004, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: MSSM ]

05-09-2004, 12:25
I too am experiencing this problem.Very disappointed considering my "fleet special" '01 Silverado was never in the shop.It had 57K miles on it when it was totalled by a kid in a Honda.At least it didn't leave me stranded with this problem.

05-14-2004, 08:01
Took my truck to the GMC shop and they fixed the clunking noise by tightening the front bumper bolts and front body mount bolts. I think the problem was caused by the heavy ranch hand front end replacement bumper.

05-14-2004, 11:05
Sounds like what Dawg posted...I had the same problem with mine. Is this still happening?

05-15-2004, 13:47
It seems alot of us are having variations of the same problem, loose feeling in the steering. Some members are getting the dealers to fix the problem while others, as done to me are just puting a band-aid on the problem. filling the space with gease is only a temporary fix as I see it. I have been to the dealer twice and I can still feel the loose rattle. The gease somewhat covers it up. As I understand it the bearing kit is the real fix. I was told that next they would replace the shaft. I feel the dealers are getting the most out of GM corporate on this warranty issue, instead of address the owners complaint. I recieved the questionaire and filled it out, and did express my concern about there lack of concern! It's about time to make trip number three out to the dealer for the same problem again. I don't know about some of you, but I don't have much time in my normal work schedual to take time off to go to the dealer over and over. I feel that they bank on the possibbility that you will just live with the problem.

Mike. :mad: :mad: :mad:

05-16-2004, 10:48
I had my 2003 in to the dealer for another problem. He told me about the fix for the clunking noise and loose steering. They performed service to lubricate the intermediate steering shaft assembly, bulletin #00-02-35-003D. Driving home the steering was much tighter and solid in its feel. Seemed to have helped mine a great deal.

05-16-2004, 11:55

Ditto to what DmaxProf said. Don't let them get to you by REPLACING the shaft because that's what you"ll be getting.

05-17-2004, 04:48
DO a search on this site for steering problems,etc. I posted the part number of the 23 dollar bearing that fixed mine. It has been over 18,000 miles ago and it is still fixed..I cannot believe they havnt addressed this problem at assembly by now. Go figure, corporate American, sub contracting again....

Lt .59
05-17-2004, 15:09
Took my 2001 in a I was experiencing a popping (could be called a clunk) noise when turning. It usually occurred while moving through a dip. Took it to the dealer and the following was done:
Checked and found noise to be cross member, bolts torqued as needed to correct.
I looked at the repair work and found that they really greased her up. Since the work has been done, there's been no issues.Hope this helps.
- DW