View Full Version : Roof Markers

10-16-2003, 05:01
Went to my truck this morning after a rain. Going out of the driveway when water started dripping from the roof.... the cubby hole on the headliner was almost completly full of water!!! I assume the only place this could come from is the roof markers, which quit working sometime ago. Has there been anything out on the roof markers? I suppose this will be my buck! :mad:

Husker Fan
10-16-2003, 05:32

No trouble here, but if you need to have the headliner replaced, I can recommend a good upholstery shop in Omaha.

10-16-2003, 05:39

There are some other posts around here about this problem. If your truck is still under warranty, you should be able to get the dealer to replace the rubber gaskets around the lights.

This is a known issue and there is a GM tech bulletin out in regards to it.

If your truck is out of warranty, I'd personally unscrew the lamps, and put some silicone around the holes.

I put my marker lights on myself, and went ahead and put silicone around the holes as a safety precaution and beacuse my 94 leaks too.

10-16-2003, 06:04
Make sure you use silicon that has the UV protector in it (pep boys sell it) otherwise the stuff breaks down after a couple of years.

good luck

Texas Red Wagon
10-16-2003, 13:50
I was at my dealer the other day and they did a recall fix for that very same problem. They replace the gasket takes 15 min.

10-16-2003, 15:28
It was a HUGE problem with at least the first run 02. Mine was built in late Oct or very early Nov build, and it along with many others were pulled off the line at the end and held up for shipment for three ****in weeks to solve the leaking problem through the cab lights. Finally got it in Dec, and it has never leaked since. I understand there is a recall on all the early ones and GM is fixing no matter what the mileage. If your dealer wants to charge you, talk to the Factory Rep.

10-19-2003, 13:38
Been out of town.... thanks everyone for the response. Mine was a very early 02 so that makes since. Will go to the dealer and see what happens. Thanks again for the response.

"Husker Fan" I don't need a headliner... thank goodness. We must be within throwing distance of one another. West of Omaha here.

Husker Fan
10-20-2003, 10:54
If "West Of Omaha" means Elkhorn, then we'll probably collide at Hwy 31 and Dodge.

10-20-2003, 17:23
Huskerfan, Hi from another DMAX fan in Elkhorn.

10-21-2003, 16:56
No not Elkhorn. Live between Lincoln and Omaha. Although it looks as if we need to all have a get together in Eastern Nebraska!!!

Husker Fan
10-22-2003, 05:56
Wow, small world.

10-22-2003, 22:02
Sounds good to me. Let me know how to get in touch.

10-23-2003, 06:33
Hey, I'm only a couple hours away :D

Husker Fan
10-23-2003, 08:19

I've set up a TEMPORARY (I can't stress that enough) e-mail account of:


I'm not willing to put together some big get together (I'm too busy), but I'm willing to at least take the names of people who want to meet in the Omaha area, and coordinate a time when we can all meet at a restaurant (Preferably one with big parking spaces!).


10-23-2003, 15:05
HD-Nate I would like to see your truck.

10-24-2003, 06:46
Originally posted by hill1430:
HD-Nate I would like to see your truck. Hill, Husker, There are pictures at the bottom of my signature, click "My Pictures".

I am the President of a large Corvette club here in KC and we are trying to get some end of year car events wound up, so my weekends are usually busy. Set a date and I will try my best to make it :D

Wives coming along also??? This would give me an excuse to do some leaf watching :D