View Full Version : Leaf Spring Noise?

10-10-2003, 13:29
My dealer says that this very noticable squeak is coming from the springs. You here it when you get in the truck or just barely push down on the pickup bed on LR. Has anyone else had this problem. I do a lot of heavy towing with three different trailers.
What are the best remedys for this?
Dealer says he cannot fix but just tweeked it a bit.



10-10-2003, 15:43
Tractor Hauler, I had the same problem. There is a little plastic piece that snaps into the leaf spring to stop this noise. If you look at the other side of your truck on the spring you will see a black plastic disc. This is what buffers the noise when the springs come together. I had to replace on on my truck too. It was three dollars and something at the dealer. Just jack up the rear end of your truck at the hitch and the springs will seperate allowing you to insert this disc. Problem solved. I CANNOT stand rattles and squeaks. Thank goodness I found out the solution to this one. Good Luck.

10-11-2003, 10:36
Gm also makes these... http://tommy3z71.homestead.com/spring_insulators.html

They not only might solve your squeak, but they eliminate that slapping sound you're probably getting when you go over large bumps and you're overload leaf spring slaps into the rest of the leaf pack.

10-11-2003, 13:14
I just had the 4 spring isolators replaced under warranty, they are considerably thicker and look like big square pucks