View Full Version : Bill Heath is now advertising his 6.5 ECM flash

12-30-2003, 05:51
What do you guys think? Since he isn't raising boost above 14PSI (he told me that on the phone) where is the increased power coming from? Assuming it isn't bellowing black smoke and the EGT is OK.

More Power, any chance of a product review?


We are happy and excited about being able to make this fantastic new program available for your '96-'00 GM 6.5. Offered on an exchange basis, these re-programmed computers feature our Max-E-Tork performance / towing program. This is a wholely different program from any offered by others. This program is built on fully re-engineered fuel delivery and start-of-injection timing curves. Like the Max-E-Tork e-prom programs for the '94-'95 6.5's, this programming delivers sharp throttle responce, crisp part-throttle performance along with outstanding full-throttle torque and power. Unlike others, this programming provides substantially improved power in all ranges of throttle position, engine load and engine rpm---you do not have to go full-throttle to enjoy enhanced torque. Most applications gain 70-80 hp and 180-190 lb ft torque. We are offeing these re-programmed computers on an exchange basis. There is a refundable $200 core charge. The initial charge is for $719 ($519 + core chg $200 = $719). The refund is made upon reciept of your usable core unit. This program works best with our Turbo-Master Model GM96 boost controller. We need your vehicle identification number. Call toll-free 877 894 6266 to place your order.

[ 12-30-2003, 05:16 AM: Message edited by: AndyL ]

Andy Chesek
12-30-2003, 06:28

I'm with you, I want to find out more about this product. I'd really like to know if those HP and TQ numbers are gained at the rear wheels or at the flywheel (I'm sure I'd feel a difference either way).

Andy C.

Turbine Doc
12-30-2003, 14:39
Hi Y'all,
I'm in the process of working the bugs out on the one I ordered, 1st go round wasn't successful, not sure just what the problem is. I suspect issues with the theft deterrent learn enable on 97-99 PCM's. The truck started but kept a full time service engine illuminated, and security light on after about 2 minutes at idle. I have no road time to say yea or ney on the reflash. Also coming is a plug in tuner module that is supposed to do same as a reflash.

FYI Bill has been very pleasant to work with, I'll post results when/if we get the bugs worked out.

12-31-2003, 04:01
Hope you get it all worked out. My 99 Burb is pretty much stock, just ordered an air cleaner cone, I've got a long way to go before changing ECM's. I'd be happy with half the numbers the new ECM is suppose to give...

freds master
12-31-2003, 08:03
Hi People, I am kind of new to posting here, so bare with me. I just installed one of those reprogrammed ECM's and boost controllers from Bill Heath. I tow a 40 ft. flat bed with a 99 c3500. It is a stock truck all around otherwise with 143000 miles on it except I removed the catalytic converter. The difference in hill towing is every bit what Bill said it would be. I can't comment on any specific numbers, all I can tell you is how the truck performs on the road. It is quite noticeable, and not just on hills, but all around driving. I do have a boost and EGT gauge which is a must for any diesel, and they must be watched when climbing hills. I must change my fan clutch now do to more heat, but that was expected and would have needed to be changed come summer anyway. I live in the hill country of PA and needed to do something. Buying another truck wasn't in the budget. I called and talked to Bill and others to try to find out what I could do and Bill made a very good impression on me, so I decided to go his route. He is very helpful and knows his trucks. I did have to go through the process of re-learning the theft system, but that only took about 45 min following the instructions Bill sent to me.
I'm not going to tell anyone to run out and buy one of these, but if you are considering one, I will tell you that I am well pleased with mine. And I must give Bill thanks for being helpful in my case. He is a good guy to talk to.

12-31-2003, 16:19
Did Bill tell you if the reprogramming would have an effect on cruising MPG? Naturally with more power, nailing it is going to use more fuel. I'd love to have more power when I need it but I don't want to effect hi-way gas mileage.

Are you still using the stock exhaust, even the downpipe?

I've only nailed my truck once. First gear was good but when it shifted into second seemed like it lost a lot of its punch. Was still accelerating but seemed it took a power hit in second gear.

I've had many email conversations with Bill, he's a really nice and helpful guy.


01-01-2004, 06:58
He didn't mention it. The only way it could effect MPG is with IP timing at cruise, assuming you have adaquate boost and the exhaust is clean.

01-05-2004, 10:02
I have been wondering about this re-programmed computer too. Anyone else have any opinions about it?

computer monkey
01-25-2004, 10:06
Any new info and/or anybody using this chip?

What kind of result are you getting from it?

Plus any one reading this that has had both air to air intercool and mist injection, which one did you like.

01-25-2004, 13:47
Freds Master.....

If it will Pull In Pennsylavannia ( Thats PA )
It will pull anywhere....

Went out west Last spring, with truck camper
Did not work truck like a short trip in PA.

Waiting on a few more reply's, also would like to see 2nd gear in TCC lock up. That's what is really
needed to work on the hills......