View Full Version : SunCoast, ATS or B&D?

06-21-2003, 02:29

ATS, B&D and Sun Coast......who makes the best?

I have read that John Kennedy has the ATS, with some problems. I have read that KingD (Jess) is trying to get the BD transmission in and working. I have also read about SDaver (David) and his perfect Sun Coast transmission.

-- ATS (http://www.atsdiesel.com/products/products-gm-transmission.html) ... Works but is not tame. Price, about 5,000--warranty, HP rating....?
-- B&D (http://www.bd-vfi.com/gmc/gmc_1000.html) ... Don't know, needs more time. I have not seen anything about a warranty other than the 500HP claim. I don't know about time or miles.
-- SunCoast (http://www.suncoastconverters.com/gm.html) ... Works like a Timex, civil and true. Price, about 4,800 and it includes "everything". Warranty, 2 years unlimited power.

That is about everything I have read on TDP about "upgrading" the Allison. :rolleyes:

There are two ways I see "upgrades" in aftermarket transmissions. The first one I see is application. Application dictating how much TQ & HP could and "will" be going into the transmission, in any form. The second thing I see is warranty participation. Goes with the saying, CMA (cover my ass). Who wants to pay for something twice? If the manufacture freely gives a strong warranty, then they probably have made a great product. A Warranty implies that the manufacture will stand behind their product. ;)

So far all I have heard from SDaver here and on the phone are good things. JK has mentioned that his ATS "bangs" into reverse and forward due to a valve problem, I think. KingD has not mentioned hardly anything after his installation last week. :rolleyes: I wonder what has happened?

I'm thinking about an "upgrade" for my little Allison. ;) So far it looks and sounds like Sun Coast (http://www.suncoastconverters.com/gm.html) is the "tda Man" on Alli upgrades.

Burner------> :D

06-21-2003, 18:32
Am I alone on this?

king D
06-21-2003, 18:55
burner i will be posting on the bd in awhile have to run out for a bit just wantd some miles behind me before i spoke up...jess

06-21-2003, 19:07
Na your not alone. I am waiting to here King D respond with info. I was suppose to hold off until next year for the tranny(building house this fall) but, i don't think i'd have any hair left if i waited.

My take on it is ATS might be alittle bit hard core, for the majority of us. I know i still want to be able to put gobs of power to the wheels, but don't want to take away the smoothness of the ally.

BD and Suncoast moreless look like the might be better suited for the "average diesel head" who want more, but not to sacrifice the stock truck feel.

I know JK had some early problems with ATS, but might be straightened around now :confused: which might make my take on the situation wrong.

Either way ya look at it, tranny upgrade= more $$$ down the road with more power providers. If and when i decide,#1 i think juice might get swapped out for tst comp,#2 i'll see what Johan at Diablo can do for me(i think he can give me some better hps when the tranny is done, as i've tried some higher ones,other than what is on the tool that were nice, but not compatable with Miss Allison. :eek: #3 injectors. Want to keep the truck drug free as propane isn't allowed in most pulls around my area. I'm only lookin to get 500hps to the ground, thats it until i get to that stage and my take on the situation will change as i don't think i can stop with the power. I don't think there is such a thing as tooo much power is there????? :D :D

My only concern in doing the tranny is taking away the trottle response. My power provider has a furd with a bigger converter from Suncoast, works great, but in my opinion takes away alot of trottle response, kind of like turbo lag. Anybody out there want to spill the beans on that concern, please tell me there is no difference in response. ;)

big dipper
06-21-2003, 19:50
Heart beat,
I have the ATS converter and I don't notice any more lag. If it is there, it is so slight. I can feel a pronounced difference when it locks up.

As for which tranny, time will tell. I think the they all will prove to be very nice with some showing an edge in some areas. There is a thing or two I am not to excited about in each kit, but you can't please everyone.

As for the ATS being to hard core, I don't think that is totally accurate. There is a change being made as we speak, but the tranny pretty much has stock charecteristics until you reach 8lbs. of boost or t/h is selected.

Like I said, time will tell, they all seem to be quality pieces.


06-21-2003, 20:05
Thanks for the info big dipper. No doubt in my mind ATS will get things worked out, they have too good of a name in the Dodge world, not to put out a good product for the dmax. I imagine they all will have little quirks and bugs to iron out, being so early in the game. Lets hope there not too big of problems.Later :D

06-24-2003, 14:03
must just be the furd..........1600 miles and still happy........no regrets :D

06-25-2003, 21:27
What does warranty mean on "aftermarket" anyway?