View Full Version : Need to register 2500hd as non-commercial

05-06-2002, 21:51
My truck is registered in NY and I would like to have it as a non-commercial vehicle. I do not use the truck for work. Any suggestions on how to get it non-commecial?

I did a search on this topic and this is what I got.

(fyi crossposted)

05-06-2002, 23:25
Yeah you really shouldnt have any trouble with it. A buddy of mine that lives in Mahopac went to the DMV to register his f 250 and had no problem getting non commercial plates, whats even better is no lie they asked him what he wanted his light empty weight to be and she said why not under 5,000 pounds so you can drive on the parkways. Almost pooped when he told me that. I can say though that I have driven down the Taconic, Pallisades, Hutch, just about every parkway in NY and never had any problem even with commercial plates. Or a vehicle over 5,000 pds. It would be a crock anyways if they did care No suburbans, limos or anything would be able to run down them roads. They shouldnt really be able to force you into getting comm. plates. Here in CT though I did have to get Combination plates, but that doesnt mean its a commercial vehicle either.

05-07-2002, 11:14
Not sure why you don't want commercial, can't be saving that much on registration.
Anyway, just be careful if you carrying any load at all. Nothing to stop smokey from checking your registered weight if you get pulled over for something stupid.(ie: DRL's)
I'd hate to get an overweight ticket hauling firewood or something just to save a few $ every other year on registration.
My $.02

05-07-2002, 21:33
mackey_62 I would like to have the truck as a non-commercial registration so I can drive on the parkways. Here in southern NY there are alot of them

05-08-2002, 05:11
Guess it's up to you, I know I've seen pickups with non-commercial plates so it can be done.
I'm not too familiar with parkway driving.
Took a trip to LI last fall, ran on Palisades for a bit and was a little curious about the signs saying "no commercial vehicles". I just figured police wouldn't bother a pickup, saw quite a few others. Just keep in mind that you could get weighed if cops having a bad day and looking for an excuse to write a ticket. If your never going to have truck loaded, guess you have nothing to worry about.

05-09-2002, 16:53
Has anyone figured out why we drive on parkways and park on driveways? :D This has been bothering me for quite some time...


05-09-2002, 18:51
tysmith ,

Or why we take a S**T , and not leave a S**T, But I'll give a S**T if it's important enough,,,,, Stop watching CARLIN ....... He is still so funny ........... :D :D