View Full Version : Allison Spin-on Filter

Dobe Man
06-04-2003, 07:05
Another newbie question. I am going to change the filter for the first time. Do you prefill the filter and do you lube the o-ring with transmission fluid or do you lube the gasket with motor oil? Thanks for the help with this rookie diesel owner.

Kent Tuttle
06-04-2003, 07:11
I have been prefilling and useing a little trans fluid on the gasket. Don't forget about reinstalling the magnet.

06-04-2003, 07:49
Does anyone here know of a source for a trans filter wrench? I have a nice one for the engine oil filter that fits over the end and uses the flats on the filter to grab it.

I could not, however, find a wrench like this for the trans filter. I found some with the right diameter opening, but not for the same number of flats.

Do any diesel page sponsors sell a wrench like this?


06-04-2003, 08:10
Since the filter diameter is so small, it never seems to be too tight to loosen with a large pair of channel locks or the infinately adjustable type oil filter pliers/wrenches.

A strap wrench would work too. This is the first I heard the question asked.

06-04-2003, 11:51
tongue.gif Is it really necessary to tighten with a wrench? I have never had a problem with tightening the filter with a good two-handed grip. Getting the filter very snug and secure. :D

06-04-2003, 12:15
I use a oil filter channel lock type wrench. works good. dont forget to swap over the magnet when you change filters

06-04-2003, 15:06
I have a question I want to add to this that is along the same lines. My rig just cleared 500 miles. I am going camping this weekend with it. We are only going about 50 miles away and will be pulling my 3500# popup. After we get back, I plan to change the rear diff lube and change the tranny filter.

I assume that after I change the filter I will need to top the tranny off as well I plan to fill the tranny filter. What tranny fluid does GM use from the factory? The Allison guy figured they would have Transyd in it. I figure it is Dexron 3. Anyone know?

And the magnet that folks were mentioning, is it just droped into the filter? Or will it be self-evident once I spin off the original factory unit?

Thanks in advance guys!

06-04-2003, 15:50
The factory fill on the Allison is Dex 3 dino. You will be able to see the magnet but it's easy to forget.
