View Full Version : It stopped again

Calvin 60
04-06-2004, 09:43
Well the 6.5 died again today. I pulled over to the side of the road and it started right up and ran great for the rest of the day. The weather was cool (55 degrees) and the truck was running for about 2 minutes. If this is related to PMD heat wasn't a factor. The last time this happen, about 2 months ago I changed the fuel filter and checked the lift pump and cleaned all the ground connections that I could find. How can this be happening to so many people without someone discovering what is happening? The IP was changed on my truck at about 13,000 miles under warranty for a hi-speed engine ruffness. I now have about 108,000 on the truck and this has just started happening in the past few months. Chevrolet says because there are no codes generated they can't just change the IP. What can be done and who should be contacted at Chevrolet to get this problem fixed?

04-06-2004, 11:42
IIRC the current GM proceedure on warranty of FSD troubles calls for having rig in the shop & attempting to duplicate the trouble, upon which they'll warranty the FSD up to its 120,000 or 11 year limit. If no can duplicate, tough luck & maybe even a bill for the shop time.
Your rig could be having the loose-nut syndrome, which is fairly easy to fix (if it doesn't work you are out the time but that's it). Remove the FSD from the side of the IP (4 torx screws # T-15, one is going to be REALLY close quarters; you can make a custom tool by taking a spare T-15 bit & drilling a 1/4" hole in end of a .125"x1"x8" strap & pounding the bit thru the hole; might want to grind a short section off bit for even better clearance). Pop the plastic, diamond shaped caps off back of FSD & tighten the 4 nuts you find there; replace the cap & FSD & see how that works for you. 60 or 70% chance that will solve the problem.
If not nuts, it's grounds (go thru the checklist @
http://www.thedieselpage.com/members/tt99-9.htm )
or a new FSD.

04-06-2004, 13:15
Had this problem for about a year.
mostly when truck was warming up from 30deg temps
after approx 20--30 min run time, several "quits"
and than ok rest of day, Than started getting problem every morning, than each time i started it.
This was over a period of 30K miles....
( also had low rpm Miss ( slight )
Got " 1 " code 1 time. inj pulse to short.
went through several FSD's....

IT Was the Inj pump...... And yes GM would not fix it, Don't faiu here your SOL.
Still working with GM for Refund.