View Full Version : Tire temperature difference inside to outside

04-19-2004, 13:49
While pulling my heavy trailer, I noticed the rear tires on the truck got warm on the outside edge but stayed cool in the middle of the tread. Is this an indication of underinflation?

04-19-2004, 20:30
Although this could be the case, it probably isn't.

The nature of the design of the tire will allow this to happen. The center of the tread, and sidewalls, are the thinnest part of the tire, and will pass heat more readily. The "corners" of the tire are much thicker, and will retain more heat longer.

If after several (hundred) miles you notice more wear on the outside, then it is likely due to underinflation. In most cases, the problem is overinflation, causing more wear on the center of the tread.

I would suggest contacting the tire manufacturer or a good tire shop about it. They can tell a lot about tire wear by examining the scuffing of the lugs and ribs.