View Full Version : Rear Axle/Scary Problem

Lt .59
04-19-2004, 09:49
:eek: Here's one for you. Noticed some differential fluid beneath my driver's side rear wheel. Figured it was probably a seal. Dealer checked it out and found that a retaining pin was missing and the nut that holds the everything together was nearly off. It did some minor damage to the threads, but they are going to be able to repair it. He's their rearend man and he stated that he had never seen this occur. Wouldn't been much more time and I'd lost my axle. They checked the other side and it was fine. Scary - especially when your towing a heavy fifth wheel. Hate to have her in the shop, but I'm lucky.
- DW

04-19-2004, 16:53
Is your truck an 2001? I'd bet you didn't have this problem since production, or it would have shown up sooner.
Had someone worked on your rear axil lately, and forgot to replace all the parts? If not, you better search for the missing Adjuster Nut Lock and its Retainer Ring, or they may end up in a place where they can cause damage more damage than you already have.
Reminds me about a story about a broken tap and an exhaust manifold.

Lt .59
04-19-2004, 20:25
Hi Modified,

My truck is a 2001 and the rearend has never been worked on. They cleaned her up real nice. Even installed new bearings just to make sure. The mechanic was not impressed with the replacement retaining ring, and decided to use the old one. I was not impressed either. Put 'em side by side and the new one looked real flimsy. Thanks for your comments. Sure hope this is not a preview of events yet to come. Yikes.

- Dave

04-20-2004, 04:04
Lt, did the dealer notify GM about what they found? It never hurts to let them know about that stuff. Good luck..

Lt .59
04-20-2004, 18:15
Hi Paintdude,

I'm not sure if they did or not. I'll call 'em tomorrow. Good idea. I know one thing for sure-I'll be checking my axles more carefully from now on. Thanks for your response.

- Dave

04-20-2004, 18:51
Yup, if it is out of warrenty and you pay for the repairs. How would GM ever know about someone leaving parts out of a axle at the factory. Good and bad thing is, it might have been one person, one time that left the part out. Bad for you and good for the rest of us.

The build quality on my 02 truck that was bulit a few months after 9-11 has been really great so far.