View Full Version : Tranny Filter

Robert J Spence
09-23-2002, 15:52
I have 2200 miles om my 2003 2500hd and love it!
I understand alot of you change your tranny filters early on and I would like to also. The question is this, can I just change the filter without a whole bunch of oil pouring out before I get a new one on? or should I take it to the dealer for this one?

09-23-2002, 16:07
Aside from what is in the filter, none comes out. I changed mine at 5000, did the hot check and didn't need to add any fluid. Don't forget the magnetic ring on the filter.

09-23-2002, 16:09
Unscrew the little red or orange filter and replace the new one :D It is not hard to do. You will have very little mess...er... if you do it cold.--Hint: Fill up "new" filter with Dex-III before installing ;)


--- I'm looking at an 03, what did you pay for yours?

09-23-2002, 17:00
Moved to 2500HD/3500 HD Trucks & Drivetrain forum.


09-24-2002, 11:36
I measured 11ozs of fluid in filter. Added 16ozs assuming some left in filter element. No problem.

Robert J Spence
09-24-2002, 16:39
The best I could do here in this part of Canada was $2000 Cnd. over dealer cost.