View Full Version : Drivetrain Pop in 4hi

02-21-2003, 13:09
This afternoon I was pulling my flatbed across some grass to park and had to put it into 4 hi so I didn't bury my rear tires (it's been raining hard for 12 hours and the ground is slop). This involved a u-turn to the right and up a slight slope, hence the need for 4hi. When she started spinning profusely I let off the go pedal to quit spinning and came almost to a stop then hit the button for 4hi. It engaged so I gave it some go pedal again and heard a loud pop or clunk from the front end or transfer case. I backed off then easily applied fuel and it seemed to do ok but I can't be certain. I'm going to check that everything's working right the hurricane goes by or at least slacks up a bit. Any thoguths as to what may have happened?

Reb [><]

02-21-2003, 14:43
I have pushed the 4-HI at 60 mph with no problems (you feel a slight thump).
Did you wait for the led to stop blinking before pushing on the gas?

02-21-2003, 17:04
The actuator probably didn't have the front enaged yet when you started to go. Your back tires and drive shafts probably turned a bit first and the clunk you heard was the front engaging while your front driveshaft was rotating.