View Full Version : OEM built in cell phone on LT trucks?????

02-19-2003, 23:07
The truck has this feature built in it and I am wondering if anyone has their system activated?

I asked if I could have my current hand held service connected to it and they told me no.

That is understandable as they ofcourse want your money and want to sell you a seperate service plan. If any of you guys have it connected, can you tell me aproximitely what the cost is and what kind of calling package it provides?

I believe it is part of the voice activated onstar system.

02-19-2003, 23:10
Go to OnStar.com and get the scoop on plans and costs.

If you bought a new truck you get the service for a year and can be cell phone minutes.


02-19-2003, 23:43
Thanks for the info Larry..

I was wondering about that.

My truck is not here yet and im sure that if it was I probably wouldn't be asking some of the stupid questions that I am asking. I will most likely get tons of information and literature with the truck to read up on and learn. I just thought it would be convenient to ask here..

Man I cant wait.. I am having trouble getting rest at night thinking about that diesel runble. :D :D

thanks again bro..

02-19-2003, 23:50
Larry, I just went to the website and found all of the information I was looking for..

Thanks again bro!!! ;)

02-20-2003, 00:45
I have the LT and I have kept up the Onstar subscription, mostly for the phone feature. It's kind of spendy for a cell phone, but the convenience on the road is a plus. The voice recognition is not always perfect. When voice dialing "by the digits" it sometimes mistakes a 5 for a 9. Not a big deal, as it is easy to correct by saying "clear" and trying again. Most of my calls are by stored nametags. For instance to call home from anywhere in the US, I simply say "call" Onstar answers "nametag please" then I answer "home" and it dials my home. My hands never leave the wheel (except to push the button on the mirror) and my eyes never leave the road.

It's $10.99 for 30 minutes plus the yearly Onstar fee. That's pricey, but if I am on a trip out to, say, Pennsylvania (as I will be next week), $10.99 is cheap compared to the fuel I will be using to make the 1700 mile round trip. Besides, the calls on the road are short (I am driving the truck, after all), so the minutes last a while.

DMAX Daddy
02-20-2003, 10:48
What Nels said.

I find mine very useful in heavy traffic. Voice commands are awesome once you "learn" how to say numbers so the computer understands you. Number 2 is my problem.

The sound is crystal clear, better than any cell phone I have ever used, and with the prospective "no cell phones while driving" ban sweeping the nation it comes in very handy. I plan on keeping mine, and Im hoping it will eventually become a little cheaper. If it was, Id probably use it more.

With a 2003, the call button is on the steering wheel. That makes it even more of a convenience.

[ 02-20-2003: Message edited by: DMAX Daddy ]</p>

02-20-2003, 23:10
Glad to be of service.

Its to bad OnStar doesn't have a voice message system. I'd dump my ATT cell phone if they had that.

I to have a problem with some of the numbers but the service folks will give you a hand if it is neccesary.

I guess it all depends on your needs. Some of the features are neat but become really great if you really need them...stolen vehicle tracking, air bag deployment help, door unlocking.

What a truck,
