View Full Version : Cracked Block?

09-28-2003, 14:50
Can someone identify for me the symptoms of a cracked block? I'm thinking of rebuilding my engine, but before I do, I want to make sure that I don't have a cracked block.
I ended up with 2 sticking exhaust valves, and a bent push rod. I have no idea what caused those valves to stick. Any suggestions? I need as much info as possible.



09-28-2003, 17:49
The block should be checked anyways prior to machine work.

09-28-2003, 17:58
There are no symptons other than a catastopic failure where a large chunk breaks away resulting in engine failure.
That said however a failure if that magnitude is rare but they have happened.
The best thing to do if you are considering rebuild is remove pan and do the test checking for cracks.
Some of these engines especialy the older 6.2's have been driven for years with cracks with no ill effect.

09-29-2003, 09:18
I had a cracked block at about 75K miles. Symptoms started with the low coolant light coming on. Kept adding coolant, at first at maybe 1/2 gallon every couple of days to a maximum of 2 gallons per day (waiting for the new engine to arrive and on the okay of the dealership). Made for quite a fog bank behind me! Ended up replacing the long block and the turbocharger. It is simply amazing that the engine ran as long as it did before crapping out.

Look at your oil. If the coolant is going in there, you will see some serious muck.

BTW, I got 307K out of a 6.2, and that with the original injector pump........