View Full Version : Harsh 2nd to 3rd shifts

03-09-2004, 12:27

03-09-2004, 17:27
Keep the juice set on the same power level on both towhauland normal and leave it there . dont keep changeing it this only add to the harsh shift. the tcm learns what it takes to control a shift with 90 hp then you remove the extra power and bang it shifts firm all most to the point it chirps the tire every 2nd gear up shift! I left mine set to 75 hp all the time and found it shifted nice and smooth all the time . remove the juice and it will bang for about 10 days of driveing..... I think it was close to a 1000 mile for it to relearn.

03-09-2004, 18:13
Thanks for the idea. I should have also stated that I've had the hot juice since last summer. It has always been in level 4 in normal mode and level 1 in tow/haul. I towed 1500 miles in tow/haul with zero problems, then it started. I only detune to level 1 because of EGT and just too much torque for the towing load I got, per Edge's recommend. I want to run in level 4 in normal driving....that's most of the reason I bought the hot juice in the first place.

03-10-2004, 14:02
FYI YOUR stock trans will not handle 120 HP of hot juice all the time! even at 90 hp juice will cause some slippage that will be detected !!!! thats why I say leave it a 75 hp and forget you know how to change it!!! If your EGT is over 1250 at level 2~3 hot juice I would be very surprised and wouldnt think to much about running slightly hotter for short bursts!!!!! JK has done a 2 mile pull at over 1500*f ....