View Full Version : Steering Noise

09-17-2003, 06:22
Anyone have any idea about cause of a squealing I hear when I turn left only? It only happens on left hand turns. Most noticeable on slow sharp turns, but I can hear it even on smaller higher speed turns. But only left ones? This isn't a tire thing, so I'm thinking wheel bearing/hub, or something in the front left suspension, but the fact that it doesn't happen in right turns has me thrown for a loop. Just looking for posibilities. Thanks.

09-17-2003, 14:06
I have a squeal that seems to originate in the steering column only when I turn left. Do you mean its constant while your wheels are turned left or just as you are turning the wheel? I get mine just when I

09-17-2003, 14:15
I do not think the noise is coming from the steering wheel/column. I believe it is only when the truck is rolling and the wheels are pointed left. I guess I can see if it squeals when the truck is stationary, but i turn the wheels left. I really hadn't thought to try that? Thanks.

09-17-2003, 18:35
Roger, sounds like the stub shaft bearing noise in the gear box, there is a PI on this, I cant begin to count the number of trucks that do this, including my own. :( Tools are comin and the fix is soon on mine :D

09-17-2003, 21:28
Been there, heard that! Had my 2001 to the dealer twice for it before they finally heard it and traced it to the steering gear box. They replaced the box for me with just 37 miles left on warranty! Noise gone... customer now happy!

[ 09-17-2003, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: stolley ]

09-18-2003, 06:19
Thanks guys! Excuse my ignorance, but what is a PI? Unfortunately I am well outside of the warranty, so looks like I'll be paying for it myself. Perhaps I can get the gearbox through GMPARTSDIRECT. Any thoughts on driving it with this condition, until the gearbox self detonates, since it isn't under warranty any more? Thanks, this board is so valuable because of people like yourselves.

09-18-2003, 16:51
Guys, did this "noise" sound like the steering column was letting out a little fart, and usually happen at the begining of turning the wheel to the left? Is there a bit of "grittyness" you can feel only on left turns?

I've had this same sound since new, dealer couldn't reproduce it, "never heard of it" before... I had the intermediate shaft lube job about 5K miles ago...


09-18-2003, 18:28
Roger, save your money on the gearbox, just pay to have the dealer replace the stub shaft bearing, much much cheaper

A PI is preliminary information, avail before a tsb is released and usually only covers certain vehicles by vin break points. Not accessable to the public.

Scott, you nailed it

09-19-2003, 08:53
Is there a "number" for the PI bulletin? I'd like to confront the dealer on this, especially since now it's out of warranty and they had "never heard of it" before... Their fix was the IS lube job, which stopped the rattle, but not the farting.


09-19-2003, 17:51
Noise from Steering at Low Speeds #PI00299 - (07/30/2002)
Noise from Steering at Low Speeds

When servicing the vehicle with the VIN you entered, the following diagnosis might be helpful if the vehicle exhibits the described symptoms.

Rattle, noise emanating from the steering column, particularly during low speed parking lot maneuvers.

Verify noise is from stub shaft bearing area.
Replace stub shaft bearing with kit part number 26099860.
Also, a special tool is required to complete the repair. You must use Essential Tool J-45798 to avoid damage to the bearing seal. The repair procedures are available in SI (Service Information) to install the new bearing

09-19-2003, 18:25
You can also identify your steering box for the stub bearing if it has HD or CB on the steering box. You can usually lay on your back and see the numbers on the bottom of the steering gear..

Good Luck.. smile.gif

09-19-2003, 18:59
And which is the good one??

09-19-2003, 19:55

The dealer addressed the rattle by performing the IS lube job; they never heard the farting sound or were able to reproduce it. This was in June 2003, so they knew about the bearing replacement TSB.

I was hoping they would do the bearing replacement to solve the rattle, but they opted to lubricate instead. Now the warranty is up.

Should they consider this the same problem, or will they probably treat it as a new issue, and therefore it's not covered?


09-20-2003, 05:05
Sorry Larry..If it has a CB on or a HD it says in the instructions that is the broadcast code..I assume that means it must have one of those codes on it for the bearing to fix it. It also shows that the code can be on the upper plate where the adjustment screw is. Mine had HD on it and it is much improved..

10-08-2003, 15:48
My truck has exactly the same noise as you guys are describing but my truck is a 3500 and has a different steering box. Is the fix the same or what?
Kinda need to know fast 1300 miles till warranty runs out!!

