View Full Version : Juice Slamming Tranny Into 3rd

02-07-2003, 10:29
Fellow Juice Owners

Runnin Hot 4.61 level 4 in normal & level 2 tow/haul with no limp but, 2nd to 3rd shift is quick & hard enough to dump coffee out all over the console. I was pullin 16,000 lbs. last week in tow/haul level 2 & thought the diff. was going to show up in the rear view. Real quiet, very little smoke, & the truck runs out very strong.

Edge had me disconnect & reconnect the unit. Told me to drive it real easy for 20 minutes to let the tranny re-train. I drove it like a baby all day. Finally decided to hit it & WHAM :eek: hard shift still there. I'm not talking about a quick lockup here, this is like popin the clutch on a std. tranny at 2,000. It will do it almost every time if I use more than half pedal in 2nd.

Anyone else experienced this?


[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: Billy14 ]

[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: Billy14 ]</p>

02-07-2003, 22:44

Try disconnecting the batteries for a short time. Reconnect and try again. My 4.61 hot juice shifts better than mt 3.5 did are you sure you have 4.61.

Try the relearn mode by shifting from drive to 1st three times. Some folks say this does not work.

I say try it all.

[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: stillracing ]</p>

02-08-2003, 00:12

Tried both & yes I have 4.61. No change, still bangs into 3rd & like I described before, this is a teeth rattling, things flyin off the seats kind a shift. Something has to eventually break especially pulling a heavy load! Other than this, the tranny shifts like a dream & the truck runs strong. It's only when you hit it hard in 2nd.

On Edit: I have the TCM update that will force the tranny to downshift into 1st on a steep grade holding throttle only (no brake applied).



[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: Billy14 ]</p>

02-08-2003, 07:52
I've got the HOT 4.61 too, and my truck does what yours does just not all the time. I thought it was gone, then yesterday it started again. That slam will wake you up, huh. I wish I could help, but I have no idea, my guess is the juice. My truck never did it with the 4.30 HOT. I've had all the reflashes that are available for my truck, called the dealer yesterday. If you find out what it is, let me know, and I'll do the same.

02-08-2003, 08:52

My original post may have been misleading. It doesn't do it ALL the time. I'd say one out of every 5 or six shifts & ONLY when more than half pedal is applied. Other than this, the truck & tranny perform perfectly.


02-08-2003, 09:52
Well I would contact Edge and see if they can provide a fix.

Your problem may have to do with the fact you pull 16000 lbs and the allision is used to that load. You may have to back off your juice power.

I am no expert just giving you some ideas.

02-10-2003, 13:37
Yep, sounds like mine and yours are doing the same thing. I bet it's the Juice.

02-10-2003, 17:04
To all,

The only input from Edge as stated before was to unplug the Juice, plug it back in & drive the truck easy for awhile. No Change!

I have found that if I drive easy & then hit it the shift is smooth but, if I hit it say two or three times within an hour or so, it will bang into 3rd.

Has to be something in the programming that could take care of this. Wait & see I guess for the next version.


02-10-2003, 17:30
Yes this shift can be rather abrupt at times....
All has to do with throttle position when the shift is made.....I can do it at will.....You have to admit it is clean and to the point.....If All shifts could only be so sweet,IMO.....Bring on the mods.....

MAC :D :D :D

[ 02-10-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

02-10-2003, 21:28
'rather abrupt' is a bit of an understatement
The 2nd to 3rd shift under hard acceleration is more that just abrupt! It feels like someone hits your diff with a 20 lb sledge full force! There is no way the drivetrain can stand up to shifts like that repeatedly!
Mine did it with the 3.2. Problem solved with the update to 4.3. Now you guys have me worried that it might be coming back with the 4.61 HOT. I'm expecting it any day from JK :confused:


02-11-2003, 00:31
Mac & maybe Kennedy,

I agree with CanadaKev but I am hoping you guys know more than most of us & yes, to follow is a loaded question & I can appreciate if there is no response.

I understand that a rapid or quick lock-up between gears on most or all trannies is most desirable reducing wear on tranny components as opposed to a slow smoooooooooth shift pattern. The question is; If this is true, what does it do to the life expectancy of other drivetrain components ie: U joints, driveshaft, diff., etc. especially under a towing load? :( :(

I'm not kidding here, when you splash half a container of coffee on the console, carpet, & seats with a transmission shift, there has to be a weak link somewhere that eventually will break with this abrupt & unpredictable punishment.

I love this add-on & wouldn't give it up for anything, anything except tearing my truck up. :(


02-11-2003, 17:08

I'll solve the coffee problem,easy.....Better then a sippy cup.....

=&gt;http://www.pbase.com/image/12655370 ;)

Are you getting the bouncing shift in lower Juice levels while towing??

Or just empty in higher settings??


:D :D :D

[ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

02-11-2003, 17:41

Got to love it but I think I'd have to give up coffee if I had to use a straw. Just wouldn't be the same.

I'm running normal-level 4 & tow/haul level 1 or 2 pulling 16,000lbs. once every 2 - 3 weeks & never over 120 miles at a time.

The slamming shift will & can come about in any setting towing or not.



02-11-2003, 19:19

I'm quite surprised to hear it will bounce heavy at lower settings in tow.....I would suggest trying another box....This may be your best option....

Or (what I've done) find the sweet spot in the GO peddle, that makes it not so abrupt to your liking(I'm never without straw ,it ain't that bad).....I find getting into it a little more will smooth it out,then again I don't have a fifth wheel behind me,take the first option.....

I wish mine would shift clean like that 1,2,3,4,5......I'll take my chances.....Not what you want to hear, sorry !!!!!

MAC ;)

02-12-2003, 01:15

Thanks for the input. I know you have been around the boxes & trucks more than most of us, so I certainly respect your opinion/s.

I would be up a running on your suggestion to try another box with one exception. Others are reporting the same scenario. This leads me to believe that all the binary nos. are there, maybe just not in the right order. I drove the truck easy all day & hit it hard 3 times in a row this evening. Smooth, normal shifts in all gears. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Thanks again,


02-12-2003, 01:25
Billy14,my truck does the same thing running in level 4 normal and no load.I've noticed this since I put the hot juice in about a week ago.With my old standard juice didn't have the aggressive shift characteristics that the 4.61 hot does.Hard shift most noticed on 1st to 2nd gear shift.Like Mackin it is easily controlled with a timely lift of the heavy foot.