View Full Version : TOW SPEED

07-01-2002, 20:01
The tow speed on CA freeways is posted at 55mph but if I towed at that speed I think I be ran off the road. How fast do you all tow? What do you feel is the best speed on level highways with our D/A trucks?

dave p
07-01-2002, 20:22
65-70 is a good speed. dave p

07-01-2002, 21:44
Just finished a 600 mile tow tonight. I find that if I stay around 60 mph (just over 100km/h) I seem to get very good mileage towing our 6500lbs trailer. At that speed, with that load, I barely even know the trailer is there.

07-01-2002, 22:08

I got to tell you tow speed can be a BIG problem with the DMAX. It is not uncommon to look down at the speedo and find your going 80 mph ("but really officer I was just keeping up with traffic"). I had a Ford PSD pulling the same load (see sig) and it never "got away" from me like this one does, it just has power to spare. I use cruise most of the time because the truck will tow as fast as you want to go.

OK, NBGMC up to the rev/speed limiter.

I generally tow between 68 and 72 depending on the road conditions.


07-01-2002, 22:54
Really, I'm not trying to be a wet blanket, but the real answer is: "What speed are YOU comfortable at? I spent several years on the road driving-

"If it don't feel good it probably ain't."

Personally I can run 70-75 all day, If the load/truck combo can take it, but that's me. And I can run until I have to stop for fuel or potty. Some guys are comfortable at 75-80 or whatever. And that's not a problem for me. As I see it (IMHO) it all comes down to where each person is comfortable.

07-02-2002, 13:09
I am from CA also, and the only way to tow with these trucks is 80-85+.

If I get pulled over at that speed then so be it, I cant drive 55. Anyone that does needs to get checked for a pulse.

07-02-2002, 13:32
I towed at 70 mph (legal in most states.) and quite easy for the DMAX, across the country and back. I remember IOWA being 65 mph and I thought that was too slow. I can't imagine 55 mph - I knew there was a good reason for not visiting California. I tow a 27' TT. When loaded up, it runs around 10,000 LBS. The HD DMAX coupled with a quality hitch and brake controller is a great towing machine that doesn't lack power. Fuel milage however towing at 70-plus is little to be desired.

[ 07-02-2002: Message edited by: GrayMax ]</p>

07-02-2002, 15:47
I’m in California too. As boring as it may be, I tow at 56-59mph. At these speeds it would be highly unlikely that I would be pulled over for speeding. By the way, I just saw the result of a trailer speeding on the way to Mammoth Lakes. It could have been a mechanical failure of some sort who knows. Anyway, there was hardly a piece large enough to recognize it had been a trailer. The result is what makes me think they were speeding. Like a previous reply said, “"If it don't feel good it probably ain't." The way I figure it, me getting to my destination safely, without tickets, is more important than the little time saved speeding.

Have fun and drive safe!

07-02-2002, 17:05
I take a lot of grief from my wife and kids but I drive the posted speed limit, stay in the right hand lane and if traffic backs up behind me on two lanes I pull over. It is not the limitations of my truck or driving skill, but other drivers seem to have no idea that truck/trailer combos need extra room for stopping and evasive manuvers. The extra time on the road is a small price for better fuel mileage and a safe trip.

07-02-2002, 17:10
I agree with KONACAT, "it's boring" but safety first. Set my cruise control to below 59mph and enjoy the drive and my family. smile.gif tongue.gif

DMAX Daddy
07-02-2002, 21:04
Im from CA too, and I know a few CHP guys. Strictly off the record, if you are towing and all your lights work, you signal to change lanes, and dont do anything abruptly you can tow at posted speeds. (Note: they didnt say OVER the speed limit ;) )

Of course, in CA we all know that most of the people dont hook up lights, never use signals, and drive like they are running from the Police. The law was enacted to keep these idiots from killing others. I passed a 3 axle 5th wheel trailer the other day with 1 tire on each side. He probably never got pulled over, either.

07-03-2002, 01:31
In California I tow between 55 and 60 MPH. In other states I follow their speed limits unless I feel that I don't want to tow that fast. On the open flat roads of Nevada or Idaho I have towed at 70 but that is only with no cross wind.

To those who insist that it is ok to tow in California at speeds of 80-85+, I will make a flat statement -RWHP- you are just plain dumb!!
If you think it is ok to drive that fast in this state, please let me know when your next trip will be, what route you will be traveling, along with your California license plate number on your towing vehicle. I will pass it along to some interested people. By the way, if you get stopped in California towing at 80-85+ and if the officer puts that speed down on the ticket, you will be in for a very nasty surprise. You WILL go to jail, you will pay a very BIG fine and you MIGHT keep your license. It is NOT just a moving violation. If you have any doubt, check it out with any CHP officer.


07-03-2002, 06:41
The main reason I tow 75mph is due to the fact that it is the sweet spot on the Duramax power range. The tach sits about 2,200 to 2,300 rpm and it will not down shift at all in this range. KY has a ton of hills and the posted speed is 65 mph. If you roll down to 75 at the bottom you can maintain 72 to 70 at the top of the next hill and is very easy on the truck and motor. If GM offered a 410 rear end the guys with the 55 speed would like it a lot better. As it is the 373 rear end likes a little more speed. Overall it is the best pulling truck I have ever owned and runs good pulling 9,000 lbs to 10,000 lbs.

07-05-2002, 14:48
I like to keep the rig at abut 60mph towing my 10,000 lb fiver. I'm not in much of a hurry when traveling, because after all I want to see the country and enjoy the scenery. I get passed alot and if someone is behind me I just move over and let 'em go. Some of those roads through Nevada might get a little more go pedal, but that's about it.

07-05-2002, 17:20
i just don't go over 96MPH

David Utz
07-06-2002, 18:37
My last tow was a bit on the slow side. I think I topped out at about 5 mph. I don't think I touched the throttle or left an idle for the five mile run. I did have about 10,000 people cheering and clapping as I went bye and the nine people riding on the 4th of July float that I was towing appreciated that I kept my foot on the break.------You don't think they were cheering for the float in stead of my truck???