View Full Version : Steering box leak!

02-09-2003, 01:47
I was under my truck this evening changing the oil and noticed that the steering box is covered in fluid. It isnt bad enough that it is dripping but it is leaking somewhere. I will get a better look in the morning. Has anyone else had this happen them. :mad:

02-09-2003, 16:42
Noticed wettage w/mine the day after I bought it. Just waiting for something to get worse before taking it in.

02-10-2003, 10:02
Mine is doing the same thing. Looks like it could be the gasket/seal for the top cover.

Took it to the dealer and they said the booster was leaking and replaced it. Since the booster is located by the fluid resouvar(sp), I don't think that was the problem.

Once the weather gets nicer, I'll clean up the truck and have a closer look to see if I still have a leak. If so, it will be the 4th visit to the dealer to get this fixed. First trip they replaced the PS pump, 2nd trip was the hoses, third trip was the booster. :rolleyes:

02-10-2003, 17:19
Actually, I have the same problem with my truck. :mad: Wonder how many others have it but just didn't notice yet...

02-10-2003, 19:51
Took mine in for repair last week,the seal was
bad.The repair order said they removed the
steering box to replace the seal,but I don't
know if they did.They told me to ignore the
lopy idle,said that was normal.

02-11-2003, 14:34
An uneven idle is about as normal as a duck with lips is... :D